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New "Charging Station" icon is SIGNIFICANTLY larger than others in Location Update dropdown list

Cyclone 8 years ago updated by James 8 years ago 1

Viewed using this UserAgent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/602.3.12 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0.2 Safari/602.3.12

James 8 years ago

Thanks. This has been corrected.


Clicking on a row in data table should plot the row's lat/long on the map

Deuce 8 years ago 0

This would make it easy to see where the car was when it was going at a given speed / time. Good Valet-buster...


Trivial nit: Idle time doesn't account for Daylight'Standard time transition

mkolowich 8 years ago updated by bampton 3 years ago 3

This is a trivial thing (i.e. I wouldn't expect it necessarily to be fixed), but just an observation: the transition from Standard to Daylight time means that idle time was not calculated properly. That is, an idle period from midnight to 6:35am was displayed as 6hr35min, when it was, in fact, 5hr35min (we lost an hour overnight). I don't know whether there are any rate calculations that might have been similarly affected, but it's worth noting.

Image 9

On the other hand, I was impressed that the API and TeslaFi app picked up the time change instantaneously:

Image 10


What does a red car icon mean in the month view?

QADaemon 8 years ago updated by BattMobile 7 years ago 4

Is there a legend for the month view? I can't seem to figure out the difference between the red and black car icons.

James 8 years ago

@mkolowich is correct. I'm still working on the about.teslafi.com site to provide instructions for little details like this and will link each teslafi.com page to the associated about.teslafi.com help page.


Temperature graph

bikeandsail 8 years ago updated by mkolowich 8 years ago 2

Great job, the graph info is excellent!!!


Filter temperature/efficiency stats by distance ranges, rather than distance minimums

mkolowich 8 years ago 0

Currently, the page that shows efficiency and energy consumption by temperature has filters that are defined by distance minimums (I.e. "Drives over 5 miles"). While this makes it possible to answer the question "What's my efficiency at different temperatures for long drives as compared with all drives?", it's impossible to answer the question "What's my efficiency at different temperatures for long drives vs. short drives?"

I believe it is more useful to use intervals (e.g. "1 to 5 miles", "5 to 10 miles", "10 to 25 miles", "25 to 50 miles", and "over 50 miles") rather than minimums (e.g. "Over 1 mile", "over 5 miles", etc.)


Add graphs to drive sessions

James 8 years ago updated by bikeandsail 8 years ago 12

Add a visual graph to each drive session.

API Limitation

window sticker lookup

josephksm yesterday at 1:20 p.m. updated by James yesterday at 2:37 p.m. 1

A feature to calculate the amount of miles driven within a certain amount of mileage around home.

fkingsley 2 days ago 0

Coujld you add a feature to calculate the percentage of miles driven that occurs from a certain amount of miles around an address (home)?

Under review

Access data after canceling subscription

llamafilm 2 days ago updated 2 days ago 2

After selling my vehicle and cancelling my subscription, will I lose access to all the historical data?  Or is there some way to preserve that without paying the monthly fee?