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Add an URL to the TeslaFi API to set the charge limit
I hope this is no duplicate. I searched, but couldn't find any entry.
Currently I use the Tesla API to automatically set the charge limit using Tasker from my Android phone. Unfortunately it's JSON and the necessary plugin does not work reliable.
So it would be cool if I could set the charge limit via the TeslaFI API and a simple http call (those work without plugin and are reliable) like:
Move the "Plugin Reminder" to the "Tagged Locations" to make them location aware
This way on can have different settings for work/home/etc.
Average wh/m at different temperatures searchable via vehicle type
being able to search what stats (annonomysed) that other users are getting would be really helpful
Suggestion: Hide the token, or allow token to be hidden
I noticed the controls were enabled, then disabled, requiring a re-auth or re-token add. Presumably this is because some users want to allow 3rd party access to their TeslaFi account, without enabling them the ability to control their car.
If this is the case, a suggestion would be to also either mask a portion of the Tesla Token (e.g., all but the first and last few characters), or hide it all together. While it would take a bit more than a casual user to install the utilities to enable honking the horn, unlocking the car, etc.., exposing the token would enable that to happen to anyone who does have the user's TeslaFi login.
Display time in current location timezone.
Offer the option for your times to be based on the time zone of the car’s current location.
Teleportation to Florida,USA
It looks like there's an annoying Bug in current 8.1 Firmware, if the car doesn't have valid GPS coordinates it returns Lat: -91.0, Long: -181.0 - which gets displayed as "Florida, USA".
This is of course not teslafis fault, but it does produce useless Start/End addresses if I'm parking underground.
Woould it be posible to special-case that pair of coordinates and treat them as unknown/empty?
On calendar view can you add sleeping time in both days and in total for the months?
It would be great to know the daily sleep times for the month and the monthly totals to see trends in our ability to keep phantom losses at a minimum by maximizing sleep time when the car is not in use... Thanks, SeaDoc
new token expires date incorrect
When adding a new token in the settings page.
The "expires on" and "created at" date time is incorrect.
For example my current date time value is: "Created On: January 1, 1970, 12:33 AM"
Could it be possible to give an example value near those fields. So I can enter the correct value in those fields.
You put the values into these fields just like you get them from the Tesla API /oauth/token endpoint.
as an example, here's the values I just got:
access_token: nope_not_gonna_post_that
created_at: 1490169337
expires_in: 3888000
refresh_token: not_posting_this_one_either
token_type: bearer
The "created at" number is seconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00.
The expires_in number is seconds from created_at.
I've just manually updated my token and ther may be an issue with the "expires in" input field - I put in the value above, which is 45 days but the displayed expireation is 90 days.
Add icon for Spa (Massage,Facial,Nails,etc)
I'd like to get an icon for a Spa... this could be used for massages, facials, nails, hair, etc. Thanks!
Customer support service by UserEcho