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Display Trip A and B
Display Trip A and B with consumption (Wh/m, Wh/km) on main page (especially for the lifetime consumption)

Message if car is Offline in the Header missing
My car is since 10 Minutes offline (I found it in the RAW Data), but on the top of the Frontpage I see still the last mesage:
MyCar Is Idling
5 Minutes
Instead of :
MyCar Is Offline
10 Minutes

Export Drives to CSV - Include Tags and Notes Please
Being able to add tags and notes to drives is awesome, but would really be helpful to have this in 2 additional columns when I download to CSV. Thanks

Data Export No Longer Working
Because the new servers consist of a database server, data logger server and a web server the existing process I used to export data on an all in one server no longer works. I will have to re-write the entire process.

Add the old software version to the "Software Updates" page that shows each update
Date | Version | Model | State | Location | Autopilot Ver | Service Center |
12-07-2017 05:29 AM | 17.26.76 | S75D | Texas | United States | 2 |
Add another column "old version was"

Allow notifications to separate destinations
I'd like to send firmware update notifications to my email and plug-in reminder notifications to my text message address, but only one destination is shared by all in TeslaFi settings currently.

Wh/Mile, Battery Usage, and Efficiency
I'm curious, I have a S90D aht I have filled to 100% lately. When I look at the Battery Usage and multiply out it always looks like TeslaFi is saying I only really have 82KWh of total battery ever available, Am I missing something as the efficiency looks off....
Also, during a 120 miles drive it tooks 120 miles off and 117 rated miles yet I was only at 269 Wh/mile so the efficiency looked off there as well...
Thank you for an awesome service and I appreciate helping clarify what I see on the site.

Add an URL to the TeslaFi API to set the charge limit
I hope this is no duplicate. I searched, but couldn't find any entry.
Currently I use the Tesla API to automatically set the charge limit using Tasker from my Android phone. Unfortunately it's JSON and the necessary plugin does not work reliable.
So it would be cool if I could set the charge limit via the TeslaFI API and a simple http call (those work without plugin and are reliable) like:

Move the "Plugin Reminder" to the "Tagged Locations" to make them location aware
This way on can have different settings for work/home/etc.
Customer support service by UserEcho