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Under review

Checking charge details of other cars

gaborivanszky 4 months ago updated by James 4 months ago 1

Under the battery report I can see that there is another similar car with much lower degradation.

Can I somehow chech the charging details of that car, as I wonder what is their routine, which kept the battery in such good shape. 

Or can I somehow contact the owner? 


Adding Cybertruck to the list of vehicles availble?

KenErickson 4 months ago updated by Ecotripping 3 weeks ago 5

Will the Cybertruck be available in the vehicle selection list soon?


Service performed by Tesla was not logged in TeslaFi, is that normal?

hukhound 4 months ago updated by James 4 months ago 0

Recent service at Tesla is not showing up in the TeslaFi service log.


Service Reminders

Black Moon 4 months ago 0

How is the chart to be read? I just don't get it and there's no explanation anywhere.


Show Cars Current Software Version in 'Latest Fleet Updates'

KenErickson 4 months ago 0

Provide an icon/indication under the Fleet > 'Latest Fleet Updates' listing showing each of our cars software version installed.


Edit cost estimates in teslafi

Waterwatcher113 4 months ago 0

I would like to edit my Teslafi settings to more accurately reflect the charges from charging at home, day vs night, and fast charging. 


Battery Degradation Report (Show Avg Age)

N 8 4 months ago updated by James 4 months ago 1

On the Battery Degradation Report is shows your mileage from others of the same mileage. This is great but it doesn't take into account or show the avg age of the batteries at that mileage. Take into account my Tesla Model Y it's now three years old and 30K. My mileage shows that I'm 2 miles below the avg Model Y with 30K but a lot of people will do this mileage in 12 to 18 months. I understand that it would be impossible to compare batteries just by age because the numbers would be all over the place but if you could put on the chart that say the avg car with 30k was at 18 months. This info could put another data point in trying to determine if car is below or above the avg.


Allow efficiency option for unit in miles/kWh

Vandelay 4 months ago 0

Especially for Rivian, since that is the standard unit for those (and most other EVs). You have all kinds of unit choices available in the settings, but surprised this isn't one of them. 


Sentry Mode (Exclude Home = Enabled) Behavior

rob009 5 months ago updated 4 months ago 1


I am a first-time Tesla owner and hence first-time TeslaFi user. With Sentry mode off the vehicle sleeps through the night ("Schedule Sleep Mode" and "Deep Sleep Mode " enabled in TeslaFi - which is great), While I understand Sentry Mode prevents the vehicle from sleeping, I enabled Sentry mode with the "Exclude Home" selected. The TeslaFi dashboard, however, continued to show Sentry mode enabled and the 2023 Model Y was not sleeping (the vehicle was located in my driveway, which is actually closer to me neighbor's house than mine do to the setback of our house from the road). 

Any insights of suggestions? I recognize that this might be as much a Tesla questions as it is a TeslaFi question.


battery usage

info@tschelle net 5 months ago 0

Can you please add "start" and "end" of the State of Charge (SoC) at the drives? Actually there is only the usage of the battery in percent. In the past the start and end of the SoC has been displayed as well. Or can I customize this in the settings? But I haven't found anything about this issue.