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Show Rated Range at end of charge
On the Charge line you show starting % and ending % and you show number of Rated Miles Added. I would like to know what the actual Rated Miles are for the ending % (could also show the rated miles at the start %). I did notice you have it in the summary page but takes a few clicks to get there. I joined TeslaFI mainly to see my charging history and if I am getting the proper Rated Range over time. I.E. If I charge to 80% daily I am loosing Rated Range over time. Thanks for you consideration.
Set charge limit rule didn't run
I have a few weekday rules setup in order to warm up my battery before leaving for work. This morning the set_charge_limit=90 rule didn't run at 5:15, instead I got 2 charge_start at 5:16. This has been working flawlessly all week.
The schedule is:
5:14 - wake_up
5:15 - set_charge_limit=90
5:16 - charge_start
5:45 - auto_conditioning_start
7:00 - set_charge_limit=85
It is provided directly from the API. I believe it's a calculation based on rated range and the efficiency of your last 15 miles though.
Order scheduled tasks
I have a sequence of tasks to perform on weekdays. It would be nice if they sorted by time or if I could set the order instead of using the order they were created in.
Group scheduled tasks together
Groups the tasks together so I can enable/disable them in one go.
I was using Dashboard for Tesla to do this but found it's less annoying to do it in teslafi so I have a few tasks setup for weekdays.
1. 5:27 - Wake the car up - just to make sure!
2. 5:28 - Set charge limit 90%
3. 5:30 - Start charging
4. 5:45 - Start HVAC
5. 7:00 - Set charge limit 85% (it won't do it at 6:15 because I'm driving so had to pick a later time when I'd be at work) (or this feature would be awesome instead, http://support.teslafi.com/forums/1-general/topics/1462-add-on-arrival-at-location-to-scheduler-as-alternative-to-daytime/)
It'd be nice if I could toggle all of those at once.
Show where previously parked on Location screen
On the Location Create/Edit screen show markers for where previously parked so that Circle Centre / Radius can be adjusted to suit. e.g. if parking in side streets near a destination.
Best way to track business vs personal miles for tax purposes?
There are a lot of Tax milage apps out there. It would be very useful to enable a Business / Personal use classification so we could just use TeslaFi instead to 2 solutions. Anyone doing this or any plans to build in a simple solution to this app?
Calculate TOTAL Supercharging to date.
Maybe this can already be done and I'd like to see data of all supercharging done to date and moving forward. Would be great to know the data behind my usage. How many kwh and how much savings I've incurred.
Customer support service by UserEcho