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Accounting for Cold/Warm battery transition in range/efficiency calculation
When the battery has been cold-soaked, there is a temporary reduction in available pack energy, which the car shows as a reduced range. After driving for some time, the battery will warm and the 'snowflake' will disappear, restoring the range.
Currently, I'll show a park or sleep cycle as losing 10 miles of range, and then a short drive as 300% efficient because the 'unavailable energy' is restored during the drive.
Is there a way for the driving statistics to account for this cold/warm battery transition in the statistics? Or perhaps allow for manual editing of starting/ending range values. Or allow merges of consecutive sleep/idle/drive sessions such that the cold/warm/cold transition is a wash? Thanks!
Sleep and deep sleep with V9.0 firmware
Dear All,
Is it possible that sleep and deep sleep periods are significantly shorter / reduced since the V9.0 firmware has been released / installed. I noticed this since nearly begin of Dec. (around 6 Dec.) and I installed the 2018.46.2 on Dec. 6th.?
Thanks for your support.
Kind regards
Taco icon please?
I'm a huge fan of tacos.. could we get a taco icon please?
Maybe https://www.flaticon.com/free-icon/taco_390144
thank you!
Range gain while sleeping Model 3
Lately I have been gaining range while sleeping. For example, I have my charger set to charge to 65%. It completes a charge cycle to 65% and then goes to sleep. While sleeping the charge rate climbs to 67% and I gain a couple of miles of range.
This seems to be something I have only noticed the last couple of days.
What is this about?
can I flip between cars and still have history?
let's say I am adding a car..
then new car is added, I flip over to logging for the new car. And I see things updating going forward.
If I flip back will I see the history of the old car?
Or is it all put together as one big datablob and it just starts logging with the new source but to the same destination?
Temperature Efficiency with or without Climate Control
Would be nice to have the ability to see temperature efficiency ratings where you can check climate control on/off/both so you can compare how much efficiency you're losing due to climate control. Possible to add temp range as well if set to on.
Car name on emails
When you have more than one car and get trip and charge emails, there’s no way to tell them apart that I can see (besides knowing things like odometer levels). Am I missing something or could an option be added to have the car name on the emails.
Even in the subject would do, I think.
It actually was supposed to be on the charge emails but it doesn't look like it was working. I just corrected it and it should start appearing in the subject now.
Battery degradation, how actually is it calculated?
This graph is very useful to me.
However, as an electrical engineer, I would be very happy to know how the calculation is processed.
For instance, if I drive using lot of heating / air conditioning, defrost, seat heaters, of course I will consume more energy than when all theses are off.
So, the battery will drain more or less quickly, while same distance has been accomplished.
It doesn't mean the battery is degraded.
So I guess the calculation is based on more specific data that Teslafi can exploit from what you gather from official Tesla data base.
Could you explain this for those who like technical details?
Thank you very much in advance!
Hervé Delétraz
Customer support service by UserEcho