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Add notification option of "NOT" @ Location

XandSOLARPANELs 7 years ago 0

Ability to add a conditional statement within notifications. So I want to get notified if there is an issue NOT at my Home. Right now, it's ANYWHERE or HOME/HOME2. I want an option for anywhere BUT Home/Home2. For example, I don't care if my car is UNLOCKED at home (since it's in a secure garage w/a camera), but I want to get notified if it's UNLOCKED and NOT at Home/Home2.


Add Tags in Auto Tag Drives

monkeex 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 1

I want to use the Auto Tag Drives feature but there are no tags in the 'tag' column. Assume I can populate this with tags like 'commute' etc but where? I can find how I add tags.

James 7 years ago


You need to create the tag first by clicking on the notepad icon next to an existing drive.

After that the tag will appear on the auto tag screen.




'Sticky' menu bar

StefanSarzio 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

I like the new black menu bar. Could you make it stick to the upper side of the window, like the read column bar in the Raw Data Feed?


Monitoring two cars, Model S and Model 3

Tesla-David 7 years ago updated by permesso 7 years ago 1

I have been using TeslaFi to actively monitor my S85D Model S since 2016. Last Saturday we picked up our Tesla Model 3, and noticed that TeslaFi picked it up and is recording our drives for the Model 3, but we are not seeing any info now for our Model S, especially recent charging for MS. Any thoughts on why both cars are not being picked up by TeslaFi?


daily wakeup

amallah 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 1

My car was in a minor accident that requires sitting in a body shop parking lot for days without use which allows me to really get an idea of the value of TeslaFi sleep mode and its ability to hang onto charge.

I have about 7 days in a row of no use on the car. I've lost about 11% in that time from TeslaFi. During that 7 days, almost once a day, it just randomly wakes up, attempts to go back to sleep (which generally takes 5 attempts) and then shuts back down. I believe the loss is due to climate control kicking in (it's been very cold).

Does anyone else have a daily wake up and go to sleep? Is it something I have set up wrong? I've changed my password and I don't have anything that should be accessing the car except the TeslaFi app.

James 7 years ago

Yes, most cars wake up more than once per day on their own.  Only Tesla would know why but I'm assuming the car is waking up to check in with the Tesla servers.  My car has been in the garage for the last two days and it's woken up three times today and then fallen back to sleep within a few minutes or an hour.  It probably depends if there is data that it needs to upload.  Just a guess though.


How can I tell if Deep Sleep is working?

dglasser 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

I've enabled Deep Sleep between 1 AM and 5 AM when my car is parked at home. However, I get an email from TeslaFi every morning after 5 AM saying, "[Car Name] Did Not Go To Sleep" and the TeslaFi logs show the 1 AM - 5 AM time as part of a longer Idle period. Is this because TeslaFi cannot detect that the car is asleep or do I have my sleep settings configured incorrectly?

James 7 years ago

Deep sleep really needs to be re-named.  All it really does is just poll the car for data every 30 minutes or whatever you set it to and preventing the normal 1 minute polling that TeslaFi normally does. 

You can tell if your car is actually sleeping by going into raw data page and see or look for sleep sessions in the main index page.

If your car is not sleeping you can read this help section:  My car is not sleeping!

As long as you are willing to turn off always connected and enable energy savings all you really need is TeslaFi sleep mode and the rest of them off.  The other modes were put in place for users that didn't wish to change those settings.

Hope that helps.




Battery temperature

Somni 7 years ago updated by bflaschmodely4680 5 months ago 3

Show battery temperature?



erikbh 7 years ago updated 4 years ago 7


This morning I had a scheduled charge_start that didn't run due to could_not_wake_buses. Is there anything I could do about this? Should I send a wake_up 10 minuttes before?

kind regards, Erik

James 7 years ago

I will have a new version of the schedules coming out this week which will take care of this.  It will attempt the schedules for up to 5 minutes until it received a 'true' response.  In the meantime a wake command ahead of time won't hurt anything and should solve it.


One-time schedule Charge and Climate to heat battery and cabin (e.g. in Winter)

BattMobile 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 4

I'd like to be able to schedule a one-time "going out" event.  Particularly in Winter, when battery is cold and uses a lot of range to heat battery (and cabin), plus no regen at start of journey.

So basically I want to heat the battery, say, 1 hour before I leave. battery may already be at 90%, so in this case override that limit and charge for that time / up to 100%.

Then turn on Climate, say, 15 minutes before scheduled departure.

If Range Mode is ON (dunno if that can be detected?) then alert me (when I set it is good, again when the schedule starts if possible) because battery heater "cuttoff" temperature is set to a much lower temperature with Range Mode = ON and I would not get the benefit of pre-heating using Shore-Power.


Check autopilot version

Daniel Aizigov 7 years ago updated by Gibbsey 6 years ago 4

Where do I check my autopilot version when logged in?  Thank you.

James 7 years ago

At the very bottom of the settings page it will list your vehicle option codes and what version of AP you have.