Welcome to the TeslaFi support community.

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This (battery degradation report tweaking) is a great solution, James.  Works...

mkolowich 6 years ago 0

This (battery degradation report tweaking) is a great solution, James.  Works like a charm on my checkered charging past!

Not a bug

Date selection

andrewlathom 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 1
When clicking in the Start and End Dates fields on various pages, the selection calendar always comes up obscured by a drop down of previous entries. And the previous entries seem random and do not get updated with my most recent dates. Could you please add a drop down arrow on the right of the box to access the previous entries and just have the calendar popup when clicking in the blank fields?

Conditioning Range Loss Beta Support Thread

James 6 years ago updated by Kenzo 5 years ago 2

Please post questions or issues here.


Split Drive

vkapadia 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

Is there a way to split drives? I can see a merge button, but not a split button. According to these posts, there seems to be a way, but either it was removed or I just can't find it:




Sparkline for showing update velocity

akraut 6 years ago 0

What if you threw a sparkline next to each software version that showed the number of installs per hour for the last 24 or 48 hours? That would potentially answer the question I've always had when looking at these stats: how fast is this version rolling out compared to others?


Charging percentage

jkirkebo 6 years ago 0

It would be nice to have a column in the charging tables that displays the percentage of total kwh charged at this location. Ie. Home = 48% of all charged kwh added at this location.  Also a general percentage for the categories, like "CHAdeMO = 22% of all kWh charged at CHAdeMO-chargers". This data is available, but has to be calculated manually for now. 

A pie-chart of the categories at the right side of the screen would also be nice. Should be divided into "Home AC", "Other AC", "CHAdeMO" and "Supercharger". 

API Limitation

Add front/rear defrost ON/OFF commands

mail@hugofrappier com 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 1

Winter is coming and in addition to HVAC, I'd like to also be able to "turn ON" the defrost in my Model 3. That would be super handy when we have icing rain or some other heavy snow. I don't know if the Tesla API supports that though.


Under review

Can we have alternate sorting of daily charging records?

krbabu 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 2

Right now, the earliest charges get listed first and we have to scroll all the way down to see what happened the previous night. Thanks.


parse API JSON response

swerthei 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 1

When I want to generate a new token to give to teslafi, I have to enter a number of fields that come from the tesla API response to the oauth/token request. It would save a lot of time if I could just cut and paste the JSON response from tesla that looks like this:

    "access_token": "xxx",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "expires_in": 3888000,
    "refresh_token": "xxx",
    "created_at": 1535465729

and teslafi could just pull out the fields it needs.


Adjustments to tagged locations not saved

andrewlathom 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 2

When I create or modify a tagged location, I am able to adjust the size of the circle and have the change retained, but when I use ctrl-click and drag to adjust the location, it is not retained after I click Submit. If I re-open the tagged location, the center is back at the original location. Is there something I should be doing differently or is this the expected behavior?

Thank you.