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Query and Graph Supercharging Rate and Time

SSonnentag 5 years ago 0

I like being able to see and compare supercharging rates across various locations, seasons and firmware versions. I would love TeslaFi to ping the car every minute while supercharging and produce a graph of the charging rate vs. percentage and percentage vs. time. It would be fine to ping the car for data during AC charging as well, but 1 minute intervals may be overkill.


Auto tag by time

thojak216@gmail com 5 years ago updated by Andreas Hansson 5 years ago 2

Is it possible to set up so that trips are automatically tagged between 2 times? 

For example 0700-1500 then all trips are tagged as work?


Is there a way for us to configure our TeslaFi account so that it knows we have AP3?

Valtor 5 years ago updated by morketh 5 years ago 5

Fleet software tracker page shows some Model 3 with AP3 hardware.  So this begs the question. Is there a way for us to configure our TeslaFi account so that it knows we have AP3 hardware installed after we verified this fact for ourselves?  I assumed there was, because it currently cannot auto detect it, but I can't find a way to do it.

Valtor 5 years ago

So I just noticed now that TeslaFi did recently add the option for us to choose which AP hardware version our car has. :-)

Thanks TeslaFi !


Remember me

Pixie 5 years ago 0

“Remember me” at login does not persist to next login on my iPad 


Ccs charging recognition

TheBlueS 5 years ago updated by mat1990dj 5 years ago 1


I am currently retrofitting my model S with the CCS module.

Will Teslafi recognize the type of DC charging correctly and will add another view in addition to SuC and ChaDeMo?

Will there be a third sum up of the CCS charging kWh?




Is charging kW included in total kW calculations when charging interrupted?

edigest 5 years ago 0

If I disconnect a charging session before a "Complete" is issued, is the kW added included in the Charge Summary, AC Charging Totals?

Example, charging set to 90%, disconnected at 89%

07/15/2019 05:15:40onlineNoneNone8911387.614Disconnected991002442004130Charging->Idling
07/15/2019 05:14:52onlineNoneNone8911387.614Charging991000004130

If the vehicle was charging for a couple of hours before it was disconnected, is the 2 kW 'lost' or counted in the "AC Charging" total?
Under review

Option Code All Wrong

phazer 6 years ago updated by holtondj 5 years ago 2

I have a new Model X Raven Refresh.  But when I look at the option codes here, it shows I have a Model 3, it shows my color as black instead of blue, Model 3 roof, 2,5 autopilot instead of 3.  Does the Raven API return very different codes?

James 5 years ago

For some reason your vehicle is returning MDL3 via the API.  You can verify this by visiting settings->account->advanced->view raw API.


Time spent and generating location tags

c01000100 6 years ago updated by Mr-Chips 4 years ago 1

Time spent analysis

Charts/analysis of time spent at locations across different intervals; Excellent breakdown of a day; Would also like to see a range selector for start/stop dates of time spent per location.

Generating tags

Also, manually add a location so I can just travel to places I haven't been to in my car yet, and not have to worry about editing the list again later. Most people have a list of common places to which they travel. Perhaps even an import from Google Maps history would be nice with a periodic manual sync option. I've been tracking my location history in Google Maps for a very long time, and am likely to keep traveling to the same places in my new ride.


Location hand-off and generating location tags

c01000100 6 years ago 0

Location hand-off

Charts/analysis of time spent at locations across different intervals; Excellent breakdown of a day; Would also like to see a range selector for start/stop dates of time spent per location.

Generating tags

Also, manually add a location so I can just travel to places I haven't been to in my car yet, and not have to worry about editing the list again later. Most people have a list of common places to which they travel. Perhaps even an import from Google Maps history would be nice with a periodic manual sync option. I've been tracking my location history in Google Maps for a very long time, and am likely to keep traveling to the same places in my new ride.


I would like to transfer all my charging and driving history to the person who has just bought my Model S.

Scott_m 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

I pay a regular monthly fee to Teslafi, but have just sold my car.  The new owner would like to take over my account.  I am quite happy for him to see all my charging and driving history.  What is the best way to do this please?