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Please expose the Tesla api Software Update object in the TeslaFi api
The vehicle state response now contains the following object, can this be mirrored in the TeslaFi api response as it could be fun to alert on a s/w waiting to download.
"software_update": { "download_perc": 100, "expected_duration_sec": 2700, "install_perc": 10, "scheduled_time_ms": 1575689678432, "status": "scheduled", "version": "2019.40.2.1" },
Scheduled Charge start time is wrong
In the newest changelog you talk about showing scheduled charge start time. This seems to ignore the fact that the "Start time" from the API is giving you some random time in 1970 if there is none set.
Unusually high drive efficiency in cold weather
I had a drive today which reported nearly 300% efficiency which seems unusual.
My drive stats shows 45 wh/km whereas in the car it showed around 200 wh/km.
The only thing I see might be different is that it was much colder this morning.
When I started, I had the snowflake icon, and no regen, but halfway through the drive, it went away and regen was back.
Is it because less of the battery was available when I started and then more of it became available after the drive which skews the results?
For example, my battery is at 80% but because it's cold, only 75% is available (5% in blue). When I get to my destination, I have 70% left. So in reality I've used 10%, but the drive stats thinks I've only used 5% resulting in unusually high efficiency.
Is that what's happening? And if so, should there be a way to account for that to more properly measure the accuracy?
charge price changed from now on
It is now more and more public charging stations that had been free of charge now are changed to wear a price tag.
I'd like to continue using the zero price in the past, but from the time of changing price the then relevant price shall be used to calculate the price at this charger.
because if I change the default price at a charger, all past charging sessions are recalculated to that new default price.
please make sure as well to include options like
- price per minute
- starting price (start is 1€)
- price per kWh
Support multiple accounts for Alexa skill
Please add support for linking multiple Amazon/Alexa accounts to the same TeslaFi account. We use multiple accounts in my household...but only have one Tesla. Much more convenient than switching between Alexa accounts. 😉
Live location
Is it possible to see the live location of the car, for example where it's parked or driving at this moment? Thankx!
Turning off Sentry mode
I have my car in at the repairers for another 11 days. Whenever they wake it up, Sentry mode gets enabled. Is there a way to turn off Sentry mode remotely, or disable it for that location?
Leaderboard for Odometer by Country
I think a leaderboard with the top 10 odometers for each country would be neat - and I want to see if I'm leading in Australia :-D
*** Feature request *** Add a button to cancel "Time Before Trying To Sleep"
Can you add a button to cancel "Time Before Trying To Sleep" when we don't need it after a drive ? You have a button "Start polling", i want a button "Stop polling" after "Time Before Trying To Sleep" passed ;).
Compare efficiency with other Teslafi users
I would like to know how my car compares with others. Maybe I have a problem and mine is less efficient? Same for battery degradation - is my battery based on my mileage similar to others?
Customer support service by UserEcho