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Show percentage of downloading/installing new firmware

StefanSarzio 4 years ago 0

s. Header


Fix drive detail graph guidelines to increment in 10s

polarduck 4 years ago 0

I would like an option for the left axis guidelines to go up in tens. There should be an option for this to offset from 0 (10,20,30) and an option to offset by 5 (15,25,35). This would help correlate recorded speed against speed limits.


Separate charge price settings for AC and DC

600SL 4 years ago updated by rakeb 4 years ago 1

Hi James,
We have now many providers with different price tags for AC (up to 22kW) and DC (50kW ChaDeMo, CCS) chargers. Could you detect if charging is done by AC or DC and use the configured price tag per kWh?

Best regards,



merge nearby charges

Random206 4 years ago updated by WoLfPwNeR 2 years ago 1

I have a few charges that are very close to each other geographically but they're showing as seperate charge locations. I want to be able to tell TeslaFi, 'This is the same location, please include these charges in the count of the other locations charges too'.

Is this doable?


Display EPA rated wh/mile in drive summaries

thekuai 4 years ago 0

How are charging costs calculated at Tesla Superchargers?

Carmine 4 years ago updated by Jackphillips 4 years ago 1

TeslaFI calculates dollar savings for Supercharger sessions.  What rate is it using for the Supercharger and how does it then calculate savings?


Battery report: New vs Old DM Model 3

wgh 4 years ago updated by mat1990dj 4 years ago 1

For the DM Model 3, does the "Fleet Average" in the battery degradation report combine older 310mi cars and newer 322mi cars?

If they are all mixed together, would it be possible to only include cars with the same initial range?  Or report the data as % of new to prevent the differences in new range from skewing the data?


Could you add a logo for Safeway Stores?

KurtK 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 1

Just hoping that you could add a logo for Safeway Supermarkets. https://www.safeway.com/


Group charging locations to aggregate statistics

agianfagna 4 years ago 0

There are several places to charge at my work site, each with some slightly different charging characteristics. I have each location in separately with a small radius so that I can see stats for each location. I would like to be able to group these together though to see my charge savings for "Work" as an aggregate rather than manually adding each up


automatic montly reporting to external mail of previous months work drives

Oscar 4 years ago 0

Would like to have the possibility to automatically send an email the 1th every month to an external mailbox with all work tagged drives.