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Driving data shows as sleep

sydwys 4 years ago updated by seth2020 4 years ago 1

This morning's 42 mile drive in to work is showing as sleep. Is this a bug? What can I do to correct it? Thanks!  


Somehow, when the car is in Service mode, it will still show asleep after 7 hours

Wunderlag 4 years ago updated by Enno 2 years ago 2

My car is currently in service at Tesla, but Teslafi is somehow showing it asleep.

Would be nice to show the Service status and not show (unobtainable) data in the header or in the daily records.

maybe "In Service" should be additional status like "sleep" and "idle"

Image 1614

Image 1616


Average & Max AC Amps errors

Logger 4 years ago updated by James 4 years ago 2

On Teslafi the Max and Average charge amps are displayed for each AC charge event. But if I download the corresponding CSV file I get different figures for the same event. This does not make sense.

James 4 years ago


Some changes may not have been carried over to the export script.  Can you see if this appears to be correct now?

You may need to reset your charge records by clicking on 'Reset Charge Records' at the bottom of https://www.teslafi.com/charges.php but I don't believe it's necessary.




Alexa queries fine, but commands “trouble accessing right now”?

JohnDowne 4 years ago 0

There have been threads about this before but as a recent new owner should these control functions be working? The car is “awake” but nothing involving doing something like turning on heating seems to work?


Driving efficiency report

tuncertan 4 years ago 0

It would be nice to get a driving efficiency report by time and by user


Charge Rate should be in km/h

Robipad 4 years ago 0

It is really confusing if "Battery Range" is displayed in "km" while "Charge Rate" is displayed in "miles/h", so please change the content of the column "Charge Rate" in km/h as well.


Create Chargegate / Batterygate reports

XeonSX 4 years ago 0

It would be good to compare my charge rate / range to average for cars with the same battery spec.

Many are starting to see their charging curves and range capped by Tesla.  Teslafi should have the data to confirm this.


Please expose the Tesla api Software Update object in the TeslaFi api

mcwill 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 5

The vehicle state response now contains the following object, can this be mirrored in the TeslaFi api response as it could be fun to alert on a s/w waiting to download.

    "software_update": {
      "download_perc": 100,
      "expected_duration_sec": 2700,
      "install_perc": 10,
      "scheduled_time_ms": 1575689678432,
      "status": "scheduled",
      "version": "2019.40.2.1"


Scheduled Charge start time is wrong

Wunderlag 4 years ago updated by James 4 years ago 2

In the newest changelog you talk about showing scheduled charge start time. This seems to ignore the fact that the "Start time" from the API is giving you some random time in 1970 if there is none set.

Image 1517