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Battery Report Beta

N 8 4 years ago updated by James 4 years ago 0


Have you thought about adding a percent Super Charged when comparing the vehicles with similar mileage. I'm not sure how hard it would be but I think it would be a pretty nice to compare our vehicles with other and see per say if I have 18% super charging compared to others with lower or higher miles and show their percent super charged.


"Split Drive" Feature request

cstalt 4 years ago updated by James 3 years ago 1

I would like to be able to easily split drives for better efficiency analysis on highway vs city. My common drive starts with about 25 mins of city driving followed by length highway driving. However, my drive stats for these drives are all screwy because of that initial leg.

If I could easily cut a drive into two by selecting a datapoint in the drive details window, that would be awesome. 

Even better, if the site could auto-detect getting on the highway and auto split (but that sounds complicated).

Lastly, it would be nice if I could view my efficiency at various speed ranges. The software could just take driving legs with different average speeds and group them, similar to how your temp/eff works.



Schedule function to keep the car awake

bmaltais 4 years ago 0

I hate walking to my car and have to wake it and wait for things to start up. I have implemented a "workaround" for this between 8h00 and 22h00 by forcing sentry mode on even when I am at home... but this is draining the battery.

What would be nice is if teslafi could have a scheduling feature that would poll the car at frequent intervals during a set period of time to prevent it from going to sleep while not having to enable sentry mode.

Is this something you could add? Like a "Keep the car awake" and "Allow the car to sleep" type of schedule functions?


Why are my HV battery contactors cycling every 2 minutes?

tga 4 years ago updated by Pikey2 3 years ago 9

2014 P85+, AP1, MCU1.  I've recently noticed 2 weird behaviors:

  • The car is no longer sleeping.  I don't know if this is due to a TeslaFi change or a firmware change (the car has been running 2020.48.37.1 since mid-Feb).  I had not changed any sleep settings for months (maybe years?)
  • More importantly, the once-per-minute polls are forcing the car to cycle the HV contactors every 2 minutes.  On, 1 minute pause, off, one minute pause, repeat.  When the contactors close, the coolant pumps come on, the louvers in the front bumper cycle, and the DC-DC converter energizes.

What's going on here?  How do I stop the contactor cycling?  TeslaFi data is interesting, but not at the expense of all that added wear and tear to my car's systems.


How to obtain daily kWh used?

Trailsurfer604 4 years ago updated by James 4 years ago 0

Is there an easy way to obtain kWh used (not added) for a 24 hour period?  As it stands right now, if the car is charging overnight, kWh used for a given day will include kWh used in a charge that starts in that day, but finishes the next day.  This is fine as far as the charge itself goes, but creates a data discrepancy from the daily usage info provided by my utility.


Tag Multiple Drives

DSolie 4 years ago updated by peter857 3 years ago 3

Is there a way to batch select drives and then apply a tag?  I know of the drop down next to each drive, but when you have 20-30 drives to batch it can become quite the process.  It would be nice to have a checkbox where you can select multiple drives and then merge/tag etc.  

James 4 years ago

In settings Drives->Drive Search And Download you can search the applicable drives and then choose to tag the found drives on the right sidebar.


add cost/kwh column in charge summary

sbaloo 4 years ago 0

Hi Is it possible to add a cost/kwh in charge summary array?

You have the total cost and the total kwh added, so for me it's simple to do


Enhancement to Software Tracker Stacked Bar Chart

N1 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 0

Thanks for the new Software Tracker Stacked Bar Chart, it's a nice addition. When you hover over it you see the total number of contributing vehicles which is only a duplicate of what is shown at the top of the un-hovered chart. It would be nice to show (while hovering) what percentage of each model is at that version. For example for a Model Y owner it would be helpful to see that only 8% of the Y's have gotten that particular update.


Where are the Teslas

Pagerr 4 years ago updated by James 4 years ago 0

I request a map showing the prevalence of vehicles in each state. Larger states could be divided in to smaller section. 

BTW: I really like the new stacked bar graph showing the number of each model of car that has upgraded to that software version.