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Assign groups to schedules
Just and idea. Would be helpful if users had the ability to “group” schedules that can be toggled on or off as a group. For example, I have a handle full of scheduled commands for my daily commute to and from work that I have to individually toggle on/off when I go on vacation or take time off mid-week.
Not a big deal. Just a thought. Love the site and continued improvements.
Graph scaling
The graphs in the 'drive details' page are really useful. I often feel the need to click certain parameters to exclude them from the graph so I can focus on a particular metric. When you remove a parameter that has the highest or lowest numbers, it would be really nice if the graph would then rescale and zoom in to see more granularity for the remaining parameters.
Share battery health from all models including mileage
The Battery Degradation Report shows only my report. I would like to see:
1. Base on my 'class' the report based on the car with the most mileage.
2. The average fleet degradation in percentage from all cars with different filters: Model (S/X/3/Y), pack size (60,75,85,90,100, etc), manufacturing date estimate (based on average mileage or maybe a field that can be filled by the user).
As Teslafi is the only source that actually captures battery data exclusively via the Tesla API it is the only trusted source of such reports.
List top drives for each month
Can you please add a feature to the Calendar page to list the top 10 longest drives for the selected month?
Can be shown at the bottom of the page after the map.
Bonus, include top destinations.
Zero Savings in AC Charging Totals
Gas Savings is correctly shown on individual drives:
and Total Gas Savings is correctly shown on the daily summary:
but Savings in the AC Charging Totals is always €0.00:
I tried rebuilding drive records, but that didn't help.
I have the following settings under Gas Savings:
Note setting Display Gas Savings As: The Difference Between Drive Cost And Gas Cost makes no difference.
Tesla Account 2FA
Before I activate the new multi factor authentication feature on my Tesla account, I wanted to make sure that TeslaFi is compatible and that it would still be able to poll after I activate it.
Schedule Logging on/off
It would help a lot if i can tell Teslafi to completly stop logging for a specific time, because my car is currently in an airport parking garage for several days and sleep modes make really strange intervals 15 minutes idle parking, then 1 minute sleep, then 15m parking, 1m sleep again and again and again
sleep mode implementation was much better a few weeks before now
when i am able to schedule a time for completly stopping loging and in the same dialog schedule reactivation again, it would solve much better the long term parking without draining the battery and also without forgetting to reactivate the loggin again early enough
Customer support service by UserEcho