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Add starting charge percentage to battery reports
I wonder if the starting and ending charge percentages affects the estimated range. You already have an ending percent column "Charge %." Would you add a column for the starting percentage too. I'd like it in both the Battery Report and the Battery Report Beta.
Gas Savings
i am from germany and use teslafi since April 2020.
I have problems with the gas savings. It does't show the correct results, e.g. Home Charging: 264 kWh used, Costs: 33.05 €. Savings: 0.0 €.
264 kWh / 17 kWh/100km consumption ≈ 1500 km driven. 1500 km / 8l/100 km = 120 l gas consumption x 1,2 € =144 €.
This ist just an estimation but the difference between 0 € and 144 € savings is obvious.
I wonder where the problem ist. Maxbe in the conversion from l in kWh. If 1 l gas equals 8.9 kWh means that my tesla model 3 would use less than 2 l gas on 100 km drive.
But this ist just a problem of dimension. This does not explain why there ist 0,0 € saving.
And on my supercharger charges the problem ist the same. 0,0 € savings.
I need help.
Thank you
Auto tag with multiple vehicles
I have a ton of tagged locations and auto-tag rules in my initial TeslaFi account for my Model S. I just got a Model Y and I would like to use all those with the new car. I set up a new account for the Model Y and was able to import the tagged locations when linking it, but auto-tag rules don't seem to be applied, and I'm not sure if new tagged locations in my original account will work for the new car. I'd like to be able to keep using my original account, switch between vehicles with the Vehicle menu, and have all the tagged locations and auto-tag rules apply to both cars, including new locations and rules I add over time. It seems that there should be just one account, where most settings are common to all vehicles, rather than two accounts with duplicated settings.
If there's no quick solution to this, could you manually copy my auto-tag rules to my new account? I'd have to update both accounts whenever I make a change, but it would save a lot of time getting set up. Thanks.
range loss percentage incorrect
On battery report beta range loss is calculated as range lost / current range. Shouldn't it be range lost / original range.
If I had 499km originally and am now at let's say 450km shouldn't that be 9.82% loss and not 10.88% loss?
Battery report Beta improvements
You show the mean of all and my car. I would prefer if I would see a band of all the car My car is compared with. I would like to see the lowest and highest charging rate. One could use a color scheme for the minimum, maximum and one standard deviation.
Disable Unlock Reminder Notification when parked at home.
With the Tesla 2020.24.6.1 update, the car now lets you exclude walk away lock when parked at home. It would be nice to have an option to disable the teslafi unlock reminder notification when parked at home as well.
Date-stamp in https://teslafi.com/temperature.php
Please consider adding a date-stamp to https://teslafi.com/temperature.php (perhaps towards the bottom of the page) to indicate the date of generation/rebuild for the data and graph.
Charge efficiency
Hey - my Tesla wall charger efficiency consistently reads around the 30%+ mark, ie only one third of the power consumed gets added to the battery. Can that even be correct? After all the Tesla bugs, errors, quality and service issues etc nothing surprises me anymore though.... German car again next time.
Labels for schedule
I would like to have a text field per schedule rule to give it a custom name and have the schedule also sort by those labels.
I have around 20 rules now, and if I want to change a rule it's a bit of a puzzle which rule is the right one 😊
Pending software updates
What are the sources for the data in this fascinating report? And what is the sequence a vehicles follows through the status points?
Customer support service by UserEcho