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missing supercharging log
Hello, I was yesterday a supercharger for 10 Min. but today I don't see that I was charging there... Way?

Efficiency correction for altitude change
It would be a nice touch to correct the calculated efficiency by the difference in altitude between the start and finish of a drive. This is just to accommodate the energy stored or lost in the delta(M*G*h). It needs the mass of the car (specified by the user profile) and the altitudes (evidently in the data).
So a request!

How do I trace my drives on Google Maps?
I have downloaded the raw Tesla API Data and imported them into a database.
Now I would like to display a selected drive using Google Maps using Latitude and Longitude data.
Thanks for your help

Change polling schedule based on location tag
Give us an option to disable polling while at location tag or override the polling time. I travel a lot for work and having the ability to not poll when parked at the airport would be great or poll once every 12 or 24 hours.

Climate left On when Parked
I started keeping Climate On with temp set to 78degF when parked at work. And I have been getting the message that Climate has been turned ON for too long.
Is it okay to keep Climate ON for 9-10 hours at a stretch and if so, why would I get that message?

Dashcam not always recording during Sentry Mode
Don't know if this is a glitch or a common problem. My M3 is two months old with firmware 2019.12.1.2 installed. I have a 256Gb flash drive formatted and installed. It's been recording well.
Last night I parked in a public garage, engaged Sentry Mode and proceeded to a restaurant. During my meal, received alert (large Red Dot on Apple Watch ) that possibly someone was messing with my Tesla (proof Sentry Mode was infact engaged). It was dark when I returned to the car and fortunately saw no problems.
Wondering what had happened, I've just now reviewed my flash drive. There is No Recording for last night. There is a recording for previous day and also this morning but there should be a recording in between the two. (I also don't understand why there was a recording this morning when the car was parked in my garage and sentry mode not engaged)
I'm finding that recordings are somewhat haphazard. Some I get and others are missed and some I shouldn't be getting (like in my garage).
Do others have this problem and is there a fix for reliability? I still have about 186Gb available storage so space is not an issue.

My Model 3 has mysteriously lost 15 miles of range.... My range was 315 miles for 9 months and after charging on April 22 my range dropped to 300 miles I have contacted Tesla and I am getting several explanations but none really make sense. Thoughts?
My Model 3 has mysteriously lost 15 miles of range....
(I thought I was getting 10 additional miles of range with the new update)
My Model 3 has always had 315-320 miles for 9 months and after charging on April 22 my range dropped to 300 miles.
I contacted my local Tesla Service and I was given several excuses but no true explanation. I did receive a text that did acknowledge my loss of range as a known problem and Tesla is aware of this "glitch".... Tesla said a firmware update will fix it, but Tesla can not tell me when this firmware update "fix" will be available.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Thank you Thoughts?
Customer support service by UserEcho