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Battery degradation

tysonef163 4 years ago updated by bampton 4 years ago 2

Because of the charge taper it makes no sense to charge above 80% at Super Charger unless absolutely needed to get to the next stop or destination.It might be helpful to put a reminder on the SuperCharger page to charge and GO.

Kenz 5 years ago updated by electrongeek 5 years ago 1

Charge to what you need to get to the next SuperCharger or destination and you will save trip time.

That usually would be charging from 15 - 60% and then GO.  It is better for the battery and reduces overall trip time.

Charging over 80% in any 300 mile Tesla is usually a waste of time. Now if you have a smaller battery then your situation may be different.  The SuperCharger page should have a recommendation on it for people to limit charge to 80% and GO.

This would help with thru put at SuperChargers.


TESLAFI: how can i have over 100% efficiency?

TESLEV1 5 years ago updated by cabomix 5 years ago 1

I do not understand how TESLAFI calculates "efficiency" in its charts.  I am frequently over 100% efficiency on the temperature vs. mileage driven chart.  How can that be?


Is SEO Cost Effective For Your Business?

haniyaraza 5 years ago 0

There are small-scale businesses running on low budgets – hence their marketing budgets are also very small and need to spend carefully. SEO is very cost-effective if you seek help from the best SEO company in Karachi. They would help you save costs and achieve higher rankings.


Mobile access denied

hcdavis3 6 years ago updated by cwginac 6 years ago 1

Please help. I got a new token and things are not good.


Optional Hide Costs of Drives & Speeds

kingofl337 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 0

I am requesting a feature to turn off the charges and min/max speeds for drive logs. I routinely submit expense reports for driving and don't want my company to see how much it costs me and my speeds. I know it's not available currently but I'm sure many would find it useful for expense reports.


missing supercharging log

josteswiss@gmail com 6 years ago 0

Hello, I was yesterday a supercharger for 10 Min. but today I don't see that I was charging there... Way?




Efficiency correction for altitude change

dhshoemaker 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

It would be a nice touch to correct the calculated efficiency by the difference in altitude between the start and finish of a drive. This is just to accommodate the energy stored or lost in the delta(M*G*h). It needs the mass of the car (specified by the user profile) and the altitudes (evidently in the data). 

So a request! 


How do I trace my drives on Google Maps?

Richaerdt 6 years ago updated by cwginac 6 years ago 1


I have downloaded the raw Tesla API Data and imported them into a database.

Now I would like to display a selected drive using Google Maps using Latitude and Longitude data.

Thanks for your help