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Add Link to Sleep Alert Email to More Quickly Start Polling

rfmurphy81 8 years ago updated by James 8 years ago 1

Until the cookies can be extended, is it possible to add a link to the sleep alert email to allow the user to start polling again without having to sign in again? It could be randomized and encoded in order to avoid any potential security issues.


Loss of Power While Charging Shows Incorrectly

rfmurphy81 8 years ago updated by James 8 years ago 1

The outlets at work seem to be very fickle and either reduce the charging from 16a to 12a randomly or will lose power entirely (especially if someone plugs into the next plug apparently tripped the breaker, as had happened today).

Looking at Charge 118 from today, the charge started at 12:04 p.m. then was interrupted at 12:48 p.m. The UMC was not lit green and the IC was showing zeros for volts, amps and mph so the power basically stopped at this particular outlet (and all the ones nearby).

You may need to determine how to handle a scenario when someone had been charging then the power was stopped abruptly. Looking at the charge table data, it looks like 40a was being requested but it was either returning 0 or none values. The charging_state field also seems to go from Charging to NoPower so perhaps the site needs to not record the car as charging but idle? I don't know...

Originally reported on 8/22/16.


Index Map Cuts Off Drives Past Midnight

rfmurphy81 8 years ago updated by James 8 years ago 2

I recently had a drive that started at 11:50 pm which ended past midnight. It seems like the little map in the right column cuts off right at midnight while the remainder of the drive shows on the map for the next day.

To keep the reporting consistent, it seems like the site should either A) have the map match the drive history for the particular day, OR B) split drive records at midnight (like how you've recently done for sleep and idle).

Option B was something we spoke about months ago and I recall you thinking about gathering opinions once you open up access to more users. If the consensus is to have each day stop at midnight, you can probably just keep the same record number for any record types that go past midnight but just have the UI know to split it right at 11:59/midnight.

James 8 years ago

The daily summary map will now map all of the drive numbers that are contained in the current day being viewed vs all of the driving data points contained in the day being viewed like it was. It should be showing the way you expected it to work now but please let me know, I don't have any drives past midnight to see if it's working.

I don't like the idea of splitting drives at midnight so I think this is the best way to keep it. It would look very confusing splitting a drive in two and creating random ending/starting address's where the drive was split.


Drive Started When Polling Disabled Counts as Range Loss in Previous Idle Session

rfmurphy81 8 years ago updated by James 8 years ago 1

DescriptionThis morning on 8/10/16, I charged to 100% which ended at 5:59 am. A minute later, the site immediately enacted Scheduled Sleep Mode which disabled polling for the next 15 minutes; however, I started a drive around 6:04 or so. When polling resumed, it showed the drive start time at that time (as expected) but Idle 478 between the charge and drive shows 16.53 miles of range loss which is definitely attributed to Drive 345.

I wasn't sure if you were still working on a way to better capture drives that start when polling is disabled, but it seems safe to assume that any range loss/gain when polling is turned off should be attributed to the drive or charge record following, right? Is it possible to put that into the code so the range loss is more appropriately reflected? Should the odometer reading and range reading be factored into this somehow? Can the GPS location somehow be used, too? Anyway to minimize how incorrectly this is being reported.
Steps To Reproduce1. Disable Polling
2. Start a Drive
3. ?
4. Profit!

Actual Results: A majority, if not all, of the Range Loss in the preceeding Idle session should be attributed to the Drive session.
Expected Results: Range Loss should be more accurate.
James 8 years ago

This should be corrected now. I changed the idle calculations to look to see if the idle resulted in a drive. If true, the last data point used in the idle calculation will be the last good data point in the idle session vs the first data point in the drive. This actually should provide better data for the idle session all around.


recording of charge is not right.

sdt15749 8 years ago updated by James 8 years ago 2

Sometimes i reactivate charging via smartphone app if i sit an an restaurant (e.g. car is stoping at 90% but i increase charging level to 98%).

Due to this a second charging entry is added by teslafi - the following screenshot is showing one of these double entries:

Image 3

Two entries is not a problem but the second one can not be right. It is impossible to add with second charging more kWh as with the first one.

Can you please check this issue

/br Stefan


Looks like adding the temperature graph caused me to lose many...

bikeandsail 8 years ago updated by James 8 years ago 4

Looks like adding the graph caused me to lose many 1,000s of miles out of the Temperature chart! Or it happened before then.

James 8 years ago

It appears the cache for your drive history was missing some data and the results were skipped during the query. I cleared out the cache and everything seems to look more appropriate now.

Please let me know if you still see any issues.




Temperature graph improvements.

mkolowich 8 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 9

Thanks for this. However, this graph is pretty difficult to read without some courser grouping of temperatures on the x-axis (I.e. rather than graphing efficiency by tenths or a degree, group into full degree -- or even five-degree -- increments). That way the graph would be much less "spikes" (see below) and more legible and useful:

Image 1


Battery Report Beta

solardudesf 4 years ago updated by James 4 years ago 0

Would like to be able to compare my battery to others with the same wheel size as I have. Think it would be nice to be able to say you have either 19” or 21” wheels on the model s (in my case) and only compare battery results with others who have same parameters. Thanks. 


What Device is connected

lindseycostello 4 years ago 0