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Not a bug

"Charge Energy Added" does not reset to zero when starting charge from Controls

mkolowich 8 years ago updated by James 8 years ago 1

I just increased target charge to 100% from 90% via the new "Set Charge Limit" box in Controls, and the amount of energy added did not reset to zero -- it kept the energy added from the previous charge.  See screen capture showing the start of the current charge cycle:

Image 77

The only thing unusual I did was that I typed the 100 into the box a few minutes before I actually clicked "Set Charge Limit" (I got distracted).  That seems to have touched off logging (the screen shows the current charge logging as starting at 8:22am, even though I only actually pressed the "Set Charge Limit" button at 8:28, which is when the charging actually started).


Range Charge Reminder

HLR 8 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 5

I've now twice forgotten that I had the car set to do a range charge, and I get a text message at 6am that the car is fully charged to 250 miles. Oops! At 8am, I run out of the house and drive the car around for 20 minutes to burn off the full charge instead of letting it sit and heat up at 100%.

Is there a way to have Teslafi monitor the charge setting %, and send me a text message alert or email when I start to charge "Hey, bozo, you still have charging set to 100% -- Are you sure?" That way, I can remember to reset it down to a daily charge level.

I know the car sometimes pops up an alert on the touchscreen, but I think that's only after you've range charged two or three times.


Add a colour gradient to the new green bar at the top of the page while the car is charging

StefanSarzio 8 years ago updated by James 8 years ago 2

Restarted supercharge includes previous supercharge total kWh

Veritas1980 8 years ago updated by James 8 years ago 2

I was supercharging to 90% and since I had some time on my hands, a lot of driving to do and an empty lot, I changed the slider to 100% in the Tesla app.

Teslafi sees this as two separate charges, which is fine, but the total in the second charge (90-100%) includes the first kWh from the first charge, so now the total kWh added going from 42-100% in a 75 is 77 kWh.


Charge log Min & Max

Justin G8YTZ 8 years ago 0

Hi! it would be great in the charge log if the Minimum as well as the Maximum, and average voltage per session could be highlighted. I have a voltage issue at my house that the Electricity company is investigating.


Tracking upgrade paths/history

Mirlen 8 years ago updated by James 8 years ago 2

It might be interesting to track vehicle update history and have it shared anonymously.  What path did xyz model take?  Is there a trend in how they update certain models?  Are cars in certain areas given an update first?  What is my vehicles upgrade history?  Just some thoughts as I wait for my update to install...


How is the cost of a drive calculated?

moursbourn 8 years ago updated by Black Moon 4 years ago 3

How is the cost of a drive calculated?


Vampire "fill" ?!!

mkolowich 8 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 1

I'm not at all sure this is a bug, because I'm sure TeslaFi is faithfully recording that the API is reporting. But today, while my car was parked at work after a charge, it actually gained 6 miles of range in the hour after charging was complete. Examining the idle log (Idle #2765 if you want to look at it, @James), the battery doesn't appear to be providing any current, yet the rated range moves from 222.02 miles to 227.51 over the course of 10 minutes while parked! (See screenshot below)

Any idea what might be going on here?

Image 32


Charge Count At Location

StefanSarzio 8 years ago 0

I would like to be able to sort the above list according to the "Total kWh Added" column


Add "X" filter to leaderboard

mkolowich 8 years ago updated by scottf200 7 years ago 3

There is currently a filter next to each battery capacity level to show only Model S drives. Now that there are so many Model X's in the fleet, it makes sense to have a Model X filter as well, so apples are compared to apples