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Tagged locations: Ingress icon

StefanSarzio 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 1

Please add an icon similar to Pokémon, but for Ingress


Post - 8.1 update, what's the plan?

mkolowich 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 18

I just saw the notification that the 8.1 firmware update messes up logging in TeslaFi. What specific areas are affected, and what's your thinking on how and when you can fix them? Is Battery Current the primary way you determine energy consumption? What alternatives are there?

Most of all, how can we in the TeslaFi community help? This is an invaluable app and we don't want to see it damaged

Not a bug

Logging does not restart after password reset

StefanSarzio 7 years ago updated by Prefect 5 years ago 5

I changed my password. Logging stopped. I created a new token and enabled logging. But it does not start again. No new log entries.


Charge count mismatch

StefanSarzio 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 2

On the page "Charging summary" I see in the section "Charge Count At Location" that I have 11 "# Of Charges" at Address "Supercharger Lauenau".

Below in the section "Supercharger Count" I see that I have 12 "# Of Supercharges" at Supercharger Lauenau.

For the other Superchargers the counts match for both sections.


Map doesn't load with many/long drives

StefanSarzio 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 2

For some days the map overview on the right side below the pie chart does not load.

Example: Sunday 26-03-2017

It seems to always occur on days with many/long drives.


support s100d

brklaas1 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 2

Can you please enable support for a model S100D. I selected S90D for now.

Thank you!


Scheduled nighttime sleep mode vs charging

mabene 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 1

Yesterday I got home later than the "Start sleeping at" time I had configured. This led to stopped polling to allow the car to sleep right after I stopped the car, and thus missing the beginning of a charge cyle.

So far I'd rate that as "don't do that".

The display for the idle period where the car was actually charging with a range loss of -2.04 kWh is however not optimal, perhaps it would be possible to catch this case.

Also I suspect that the values for the following charge period are somehow off: I got a charge efficiency of 54.7% for that charge, vs ~86% for all other home charges.


Can you add alerts delivered by SMS, like sleep and others?

mdX- 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 1

Presently I can be notified by eMail, but SMS would be much quicker and more efficient.



Deleted charge record still shows in charges.php

Deggle 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 2

CSV Tag Download Additions

mabene 7 years ago 0

Some Things I would be grateful if they could be enhanced:

* Driving time is a text "x Hour y Minutes"; I'd much prefer a computer-friendly representation like "1:05"; perhaps in an additional column?
* Date / Start time End Time: the split date/time fields are not optimal for further processing, particularly if a drive should span midnight since there is no date information for the end time.

* would it be possible to also get the comment field and start/end GPS coordinates ?