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Bug deleting parking entry

itsme 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 2

When I want to delete an idle/parking entry I get to the confirmation page. The row on this page shows not the data I selected. It displays an "empty" row (Location Florida, time 6PM, start and end range empty)

Browser: safari on iPad (iOS 10.3.3)


"FW graph"

patrik oscarsson 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 1
From: Patrik <patrik.oscarsson@gmail.com>
Subject: FW graph

Message Body:
It would be really nice to have a graph over the current state of installed versions, broken down by AP version. Then one could see when a version installation surges.

An example from android version graph:


This e-mail was sent from a contact form on (http://about.teslafi.com)

Longest drive update frequency

tcbailey239 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 1

When does the longest drives leader board get updated?


Missing a few drives home and have no clue why

Nietschy 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

I have seen a few times now, that drives from work to home have not been recorded. As an example the drive today (23th of August).

The car shows I would have stayed at BDI, but actually I drove home at about 17:15 o'clock.

This happened quite more often recently and I fear that I cannot trust it anymore wich would be bad.

Please take a look into it and show me If I am doing something wrong or if something is off at your side.


How do I see unsuccessful sleep attempts vs successful sleeps?

akraut 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 1

The "Enabling sleep settings" article talks about "several sleep attempts" but I'm not seeing that show up anywhere despite having the recommended settings on my vehicle.


Investigate changing kWh calculation when upgrading the battery of a vehicle.

James 7 years ago updated by Tir 5 years ago 1

kWh calculations are not accurate for prior drives when upgrading the battery of a vehicle.  For example 60->75 kWh.  May be able to use the model information from the API to determine when the battery was upgraded.


Server upgrade issues

Ghostridertesla 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2


Since the server upgrade I have been getting missed drives and charging sessions. The car also seems to immediately go to sleep and I had the same settings as before. I tried deleting my token and logging back in but same thing happens. Any suggestions?



Rearrange fields/buttons on control bar

StefanSarzio 7 years ago 0

I don't know if this is possible, but I would like to be able to enter a new charging limit and press enter to have it set.

Right now pressing enter from the charging limit box leads to the car being unlocked. :-(


Updating drives message not being displayed

James 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 1

When updating the drive cache on multiple pages the 'Updating Drives....' message is not being displayed.


Notifications come through but individual drives are no longer listed on my page

crommerts 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 1

I now get my E-mail notifications again  but my individual trips are no longer displayed on www.teslafi.com. Can this get fixed?