
Version numbers old/other style vs. 2017.week.version

boaterva 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

Can we get the email version mailer to not send out updates for this sort of report as below for 17.50.97?  All it does when reporting the interim 17.50.97 number is confuse people that don’t understand it and perhaps mess up things as it’s now the ‘current’ version number?  (I don’t know how that would be done either, but it’s not a ‘real’ version number as you know...)

We went from 2017.50.2 to 17.50.97 in emails.  We didn’t then get a new email for 2017.50.2 when this car got it... I have no idea what TeslaFi thinks the ‘latest’ version is now.   :)

Vehicle Update History

ModelVinOdometerStateLocationAutopilot Ver
S P85+026XXX45,234CaliforniaUnited States0
Date InstalledSoftware Version
12/24/2017 10:58 PM2017.50.2 3bd9f6d
12/24/2017 10:56 PM17.50.97
09/03/2017 1:44 AM17.24.28




I'm omitting the 17. and upcoming 18. results from the latest updates table now and the email script so these should not show up or trigger an email anymore.

The 2017.50.2 3bd9f6d email did go out.  I know because I received tons of vacation auto-replies to the emails.  :-)



Thanks, James! On the 2017.50.2 emails I know they went out, I got the original one, I was wondering what the 17.50.97 did to the next release number as we didn’t get an email when the number changed ‘back’ to 2017.50.2 for that car. Probably already knew it had mailed for that release once originally and was set. 

If you’re killing all 17.x and 18.x numbers, that should definitely take care of it! Thanks again.  



I'm omitting the 17. and upcoming 18. results from the latest updates table now and the email script so these should not show up or trigger an email anymore.

The 2017.50.2 3bd9f6d email did go out.  I know because I received tons of vacation auto-replies to the emails.  :-)

