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Can the status of autopilot or FSD be ascertained?

Tesla Do'd 4 years ago updated by TylerHilliard 6 months ago 2

I have told people that I probably only drive about 10% of the time. It would be nice to have the data to prove it. I'd like to know my autopilot, FSD, and manual miles for each drive.


Record power draw for pre-conditioning when connected to mains

daedalus 4 years ago 0

I assume that this isn't possible otherwise it would be shown, but...

I leave my Model 3 connected to the mains whenever I'm at home (which is most of the time at the moment, obviously) and so when I pre-condition the car before leaving it draws power from the charger. I really need to be able to track this use but it doesn't seem to be being recorded at all. The "live" display in the car shows current being drawn so clearly the data is there. Is there a way for TeslaFi to track this usage, please? 

My car is a company vehicle and I charge at home and need to be able to claim back the charging (and conditioning) costs against business expense.


UTF-8 Support

june713 4 years ago 0

Please support other languages other than English for car names, climate settings, etc.


Separate Tagged Locations for Driving Destinations and Charging Locations

agianfagna 4 years ago 0

I have several locations at work that I can charge at and would like to keep the charging statistics separate by charge location. However for drives I'd like to be able to aggregate all of those places as my "work" rather that reporting as separate drive destinations. Perhaps if we could set flags on saved location for charging, destination, or both, then we could support both the current behavior as well as being able to split things up if the user desires. Even nicer would be to have hierarchy of locations - grouping a set of locations together to aggregate statistics.


Option to exclude home from top destinations

berticus 4 years ago 0

Please include an option to exclude Home location from top destinations as it will always wind up being the #1 destination and in essence only shows the top 9 destinations. Removing Home allows for showing top 10 actual destinations.


Charging rates for two locations

asadahmad 4 years ago updated by chustle13 3 years ago 1

I am not sure if I am missing it but I would love to see a feature allowing to set different charging rate for the second home location. A dropdown for selecting the location in the configuration table would be great. If that feature is already available and someone knows how to configure it please do share.


Graphs - Avg Range Driven km or miles/Charge -&- Avg Kwh/km or mile

gino verhulst 4 years ago 0

Hello TeslaFi Team, James,

Would you please consider investigating and adding the following stats/graphs/trendlines to the site.

In my opinion they would add valuable information and comparison analysis since all of the data is availabe in the current charging history.

Currently these stats are missing and it would be a great addition to the already avalilable data on the site since currently there are no overall graphs or stats available on efficiency or driving stats ( comparable to mileage per gallon for an ICE car ) 

It will provide a very nice comparison to fleet concumption as well & display the changes in efficiency during summer and winter.

You can even base the stats on driving efficiency per charge session to have an easy starting point for calculations.

This is a percentage already available.

See an example of my data downloaded from the site below.

Thanks for considering this 

Kind Regards,


Image 2502


Am I calculating my total cost correctly?

porkisking 4 years ago updated by Pstreicher 4 years ago 3

So I'm trying to calculate how much my model Y is costing in electricity and my math is telling me it's much more than advertised. So here in NJ, according to my last PSE&G bill, my electric supply costs is .13 per kWh and my electric delivery costs is .05 per kWh. So total is .18 kWh. My odometer is now 5483 miles. According to TeslaFi, which I've been using since the beginning, I've used 2389 kWh which costed me $431. Comparing to a fossil car,  $431 would buy me about 172 gallons of gas @ $2.50/gal. 5483 miles / 172 gallons gives me only 31 miles per gallon. Even if I assume perfect 100% charge efficiency and use 1970 kWh for the math, it would have cost $355 instead. That buys me 142 gallons and still gives me only 38 mpg.

Why is my Model Y as efficient as a gas powered Toyota Corolla? Is my math wrong somewhere?

Image 2500


Lease mileage tracking

OrangeMikey 4 years ago 0

I'm on a 10000 mile per year lease it would be good if TeslaFi could track how I'm doing on my 833 miles per month. Of course we'd need to be able to enter lease details and start values etc.