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Rated wh/mile

thekuai 4 years ago updated by LuckyP62 2 years ago 1

How are rated wh/miles valuated? It seems to be 300 wh/mi for my 17x90D where epa has it at 330 wh/mi. Are these set by teslafi or as reported by api?


Feature request - Recieve an email when a new software version is discovered and send changlog in email

josho493 4 years ago updated by James 4 years ago 0

It would be great to get an email when a new software version is detected for my model and if the change log was sent to my email address.




Download TeslaFi Data doesn't work with Edge browser

RayF 4 years ago 0

I went to Setting, Account, Advanced and selected "Download TeslaFi Data" for June 2021 using the Edge browser. Nothing happens. I switched to Firefox and after 6 seconds it prompts as to what to do with the data. I saved the file which is fine. 


how to change the cost of electricity in this app

vmonzon 4 years ago 0

Note for Home Charging Prices

timbot2k 4 years ago 0

It would be nice if you could add a note along with your Home Charging Rates. BGE for example has different "on-peak" and "off-peak" times based on the seasons (winter/summer). It would be nice if you could add a note to identify what charging rate goes to what. 

For example. I have charge rates as follow:

12am to 7am

12pm to 5pm

9pm to 11:59pm


12am to 10am

8pm to 11:59pm

All of these are my off peak times, when my charging rate is lower. It would be useful to be able to identify which time ranges go to which season.


Set explicit dates to schedule

daedalus 4 years ago 0

It would be very helpful to have specific dates in the scheduler. If I'm going on a planned trip, I would like to be able to prepare the car in advance - set higher charge level for the nightly charge before etc. If that trip is more than a week ahead, this isn't currently possible. It would be helpful to be able to specify the date explicitly for trips further ahead. 

Taking this a stage further, what would be even better would be a "trip wizard" whereby a (configurable) sequence of steps could be specified and the wizard simply asks for the date and time of the trip, eg

  • Set higher charge level before the charge on the night before
  • Turn on HVAC x mins before the departure time
  • Return to default charge level before next charge


Suggestion - Battery Degradation Report page modification

cbarger 4 years ago updated by James 2 years ago 1

Can you add another marker line (Like the new year markers - Thank you) that will be the version update line? This way people can see what different versions affected their estimated miles calculation? Maybe make it a different color line than the year marker line.


Teslafi Polling - Vehicle Behavior

Larrydavidow 4 years ago updated by Pikey2 4 years ago 1

Every time Teslafi polls my Model S (every minute), my car does this.  Anyone else experiencing this? 8/2016 P90DL (refresh). AP1 HW1 MSU1

1. Sounds like battery solenoid clicks on

2. Sounds like battery warmers turn on (high pitched hum)

3. Some pump runs for a bit and then turns off.

Youtube video

Filter Calendar for Tagged Drives

brett@hourlycio com 4 years ago updated by MarkPurcell 3 years ago 1

On the new calendar view, could you place a filter for tagged drives?  This would allow the business miles to be easily filtered for the month as the calendar view provides all of the information I use for the cost capture in a concise location. 

Also, thank you for the Drive tagging improvements. This really helps the ease of manually tagging the drives for me.