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Add road trip ending in Odometer Graph
Add the option to visualize the ending of a created road trip in the Odometer Graph. At this moment there is just a line at the date we mark the start of the road trip. It would be nice if there was a second line marking the end date of the road trip and in between those lines it would be colored. That way, we could see which portions of the Odometer Graph were filled during the different road trips we marked. In the attached image, there is an example of how it could look.
Generate 12 month average based on odometer history
Ability to view a rolling 12 month average based on existing driving habits.
Live control - Set Charge AMP
Please add the new feature:
set charge amp
to your API and to the Live Controls.
As it is available since 36.5.5
Expected software download availability date
Can the site show you when your expected software update will arrive based on prior download priority and dates compared to fleet?
Square tagged locations
It would be great to change the shape of tagged locations, currently I've got several campsites nearby and if I make the circle radius too long it goes into the other campsite, but making is smaller doesnt cover the hole campsite.
Infer short drives between polling calls based on odometer changes.
Very short drives often don't show up, which I believe occurs when a drive is started and finished between polling calls. I'd love to see a feature added that can detect a missed drive by watching for the odometer miles change and log it as such.
Could we have TeslaFi API access logging?
Sometimes cars were waked-up for no reason. IMHO, it might be great if TeslaFi could have logging for TeslaFi API access.
Send address to navigation
Add a button to send an address to navigation, like sharing it with the phone app.
"Real charges" vs "Trickle charges (many)"
I have a fairly new Model Y, and looking at the charges I see:
The second location "MarienLyst" (A conference center/hotel), actually only has a single charge and not 21. This can be seen by looking at the detailed page:
As you can see, the bottom (oldest) charge is a "real charge", 51% to 80%, but it is then followed by 20 "trickle charge" 80% to 80%, totally skewing up the statistics.
I would like a feature that can ignore the "trickle charges" and only count/report the "real charges". That is, a purely filtering feature on the charge reporting.
Notice, this happens far more rarely when sentry mode is off, which it is at my home location which is why there are no "trickle charges" there. I assume it still happens but just very rarely.
Another way was to control the trickle charge, a feature where:
Stop charging until the percentage falls x% below the target percentage. That is, if the charge limit is 80% and teslafi sees that the charging has completed, it will turn charging completely off, but monitor the percentage. If the percentage falls more then 10% under target (down to 70% in this case), it will turn on charging again until the level is once again 80%. You can of course also disable the restart and just accept that it was at 80% at some point before you returned.
Hope this makes sense?
Customer support service by UserEcho