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Cost per km
Could you please add $/km for the last x week up to 52? Or $/km for the x km? Very useful if there are a mix of home vs super charging. Maybe option to include or exclude free charge session. Please use odometer for calculations not distance added during charge.
Email after charging - distance driven since last charge
Could you please add distance driven since last change to the email we receive after a charge completes. If I always charge to the same level I can quickly figure out my per km metrics. Distance added is a prediction. Distance driven is actual.
Live video feed
Are there any future options that allow user to see live video feed on TeslaFi web?
Throttle position data
Any way to see from the API throttle position to indicate if the car has been in WOT (wide open throttle)?
Possible to show amount of kWh regenerated for a drive?
Is it possible to show amount of kWh regenerated for a drive?
Holiday deep sleep mode
Would be cool to have a "holiday deep sleep mode" when you leave your car for a very long time in an airport garage or at home.
There would be no requests to the car at all until it gets disabled.
Wake Up Notification
TeslaFi issues notifications whenever the car goes to sleep which is useful, but not when it wakes up.
I think it would be a good idea for TeslaFi to also send an email notification whenever the car Wakes Up. This would help in identifying causes of the car waking up (e.g. access by another app).
Show all Raw Data columns regardless of screen size
I've found that the Raw Data page only displays a maximum of 11 columns when viewed on my phone (iPhone/Safari) and cuts off the remaining 6 columns. Changing the browser settings to request a desktop version of the website has no effect. Neither does viewing the webpage in landscape mode instead of portrait. So I can only see the full 17 columns when viewed on a desktop computer -- and even then, only with the browser window set wide enough, otherwise it cuts off columns there too.
So my suggestion (if possible) is simply to always display all 17 columns regardless of the browser or screen width and allow the user to scroll over to the right to view all 17 columns if they wish to.
Reporting Summary / Rollup of Daily Details
On the main screen where is shows daily travels and charging info there is a set of tables defined on the right side that provide summaries for the day.. KW used, cost, miles driven, loss, rated miles used etc..
It would be great to have the daily data provided there setup as a report-table by period, week, month, year or defined period
The calendar view is kind of in the right direction but doesn't have all the details..
It would be great to see and be able to export a table of the daily summary to weekly monthly or all time date periods..
Keep up the great work
Customer support service by UserEcho