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A much better battery consumption calculation algorithm for Tesla

Itay Cohen 2 years ago 0

After driving the Model 3 for about two years, I can say that calculating the power consumption estimate while navigating is useless !! 

I never reached the destination with a battery percentage as the system estimated at the beginning of the trip.

Recently, Tesla improved the way of calculation and refers to more parameters, but still completely fakes the estimation of the consumption compared to the actual consumption.

I did find that driving according to the legal speed makes the estimate accurate thus the driving part of the estimation is causing the problem.

Navigating using me as the driver vs my wife always estimate the same battery consumption which is of course wrong as I drive faster than her !

I have an idea for a smarter algorithm that will give a much more accurate result and will be based on the driver's profile and his speed behavior over time.

My idea is as follows:

In addition to the parameters already measured today, Tesla must maintain (using AI) a record of the avarage speed for each driver (according to profile) compared to the legal speed over the last 100 km.

For example :

                         My Profile              My wife profile 

50 km/h legal - 60 km/h actual       50 km/h actual

70 km/h legal - 85 km/h actual       75 km/h actual

90 km/h legal - 100 km/h actual     95 km/h actual

100 km/h legal - 120 kmh actual    110 kmh actual

110 km/h legal - 130 km/h actual    115 km/h actual

Now that there is the real data about speeds of all drivers, Tesla should calculate the electricity consumption for each trip based on the speeds of specific driver.
Of course the numbers need to be updated all the time based on driver behavior looking at the last 100 km. 
Tesla can also add a button that will give the driver the option to choose between calculation based on driving behavior (per profile) or speed according to the law.

what do you think ?


Add an OFF button to the passenger air vent

Itay Cohen 2 years ago 0

I think it would be nice to add an OFF button to the air vents of the passenger. When travelling with my wife, she is always cold and I have no way to stop the air flow to her side. The feature is easy to implement as the passenger side is controlled seperatlely anyway and is turned of while no one is sitting there...


Air condition air vents presets using voice commands

Itay Cohen 2 years ago 0

Since the air condition vents are not that simple to operate during driving, I think it would be nice to have 3-4 presets of the AC vents which I will be able to call using voice commands "Set AC preset 1,2,3,4" 


Prévoyez-vous de traduire l’application en Français ?

Revolt 2 years ago 0

Home address isn't updating after I moved a year ago.

Nguyentuongv 2 years ago 0

I've updated my tag and named the address Home however my home address still hasn't been updated after we moved over a year ago. What can I do?

Already Completed

Add ability to retry failed supercharging invoice downloads

ngng 2 years ago updated by James 2 years ago 1

When a matching SC invoice is not found there is no way to retry. Add the ability to retrigger the search.

Image 4706


Add support for setting a starting rate for a charge

markve 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 0

Many public chargers are charging a starting rate per charge next to the regular costs per kWh. It would be great if it was possible to configure this on a charge. That could look like this:

Image 4608


Monthly variable home charging rates

ddelegal 2 years ago updated by martinfageras 2 years ago 1

I live in Jacksonville, FL, and JEA in our area now varies the cost per kWh monthly based on their fuel costs. It would be very handy to have the home charging cost applied by date range. In other words, rather than a single cost per kWh, I'd like to put in 8/1/2022 - 8/31/2022 - $0.16, then 9/1/2022 - 9/30/2022 - $0.18, etc. Then when viewing my charging stats, have the appropriate value applied for the date of the charge. Currently, updating the cost affects all history rows and therefore skews my data. I'm sure this would come in handy for many of the folks using the site.



Fleet battery wheel selection?

NickMiller 2 years ago updated by Long Ranger 1 year ago 1

Hi, the fleet battery comparison doesn't seem that useful for me with S Plaid since it's averaging data for both wheel options, so between 350 and 400 is putting fleet average somewhere in the middle based on how many folks chose either option. There should be a wheel option filter or a filter to compare similar starting ranges only. Thanks!


Free charging, move car reminder

stormyweather 2 years ago 0

I get free charging for 4 hours per day at my work's parking garage.  If I forget to move my car, I get a pretty big fine.  I want to have TeslaFi scheduling help me with this.

Expected behavior:

  • Start a timer when charging has started at specified location
  • When timer exceeds X hours, Y minutes, execute 1 or more actions:
    • Notification that timer has elapsed, with optional time offset, e.g. 10 minutes before timer elapses.
    • Stop charging