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Total kWh in Calendar View

fkuris 2 years ago 0


Could you please add the total kWh charged in the calendar view? Charging cost and savings are listed, but the charged kWh is not summarized, we have to manually summarize the home/travel/SuC charging values. 

Thank you. 


Requesting CSV output to have charging data in per-second resolution

khengwei118 2 years ago 0

Currently the CSV outputs are in per-minute resolution, requesting the developers to allow users to obtain charging data in per-second resolution.


Add Feature to Vent Windows

mpochet 2 years ago updated by James 2 years ago 0

In the Live Controls area, where temp and charge limits can be set in real time, it would be useful to add in the window Vent feature.
I work in a facility that doesn’t allow electronic devices, and use TeslaFi to send commands to my vehicle during the day from a web browser that is connected to the internet.  I use a Key Fob, and when I walk away from the car, it locks and automatically rolls up the windows.  It would be nice to vent the windows a little bit later when I get to my desk.


Request, Option to set price per kWh for a specific timeframe at once

c4dm4n 2 years ago 0

I can currently edit price per kWh for a specific date, but I would like to change a date range at once. Ex. I search all charges from  6/15/2022 to 7/18/2022 but I need to enter each one of them to set the kWh price. it would be nice I could set the price for this range at once. Why? my electricity bill change every month because it account for gas prices changes every month, so the kWh is always changing, to have it accurately I have to enter each charge for the cycle and change the price.


Separate Tagged Location and Addresses on Exported Drives

khanjal 2 years ago 0

When exporting drives and I have a tagged location (Home, McDonalds, Grocery Store) it puts the name as the starting address instead of the actual address. It would be great if we could have both (Staring Location & Starting Address) that way either is available in a spreadsheet to work with.

I've gotten around this for now by including (Name, Address) but you only have enough room in the tagged location for street address usually.


Suggestion: Mouse-over on contries in firmware-maps show percentage

Kjell Arne Rekaa 2 years ago updated by James 2 years ago 0

In todays «mouseover» for each country on the world map for any given release, you see «only» e.g:

Canada: 53

Norway: 130

Sweden: 118

Maybe add a percentage of the fleet of each country, something like:

Canada: 53 (21%)

Norway: 130 (48%)

Sweden: 118 (35%)


Leaderboard Lifetime Efficiency

Tsarbiker 2 years ago 0


It would be great to add to the leader board a tab with lifetime efficiency :) !

Thanks for your awesome work!


Allow Exporting Tagged Locations

hakan 3 years ago 0

With the current option to "export data", one can only export the data TeslaFi has fetched from the Tesla API.

The list of places I have tagged is data created by the user as well. Accessing that data, at least via download, and even better if via an API call, would be perfect.




Which model should I choose?

Poppy 3 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

I have a Tesla Model 3 RWD, the new version of SR+, will it matter if I choose SR+?


Report of time spent waiting on charging

AlexParker 3 years ago updated by James 3 years ago 0

The purpose here is to understand how much of my life is spent waiting on the charge vs say an ICE car.

There are really 3 kinds of charging:

  1. Home, work, shopping - where the car is charging, but I'm not waiting on it. Its just part and parcel of daily life. If I am working and the car is parked and charging - it does not affect my time at all.
  2. Charging at a super charger or CCS or whatever where I'm in the car waiting on the car to charge. 
  3. Charging at a super charger or CCS or whatever where I'm having lunch or shopping and I'm not waiting.

I'd love for TeslaFi be able to:

  • Give me an overall daily, monthly, yearly "Time spent waiting" metric
  • Automatically identify which charges I'm waiting on vs those I'm not. 
    • For example, SC where butts in seats are detected, I'm waiting. 
    • SC where I leave the car within a couple minutes of charging and then come back and take it off and drive - I'm not waiting.
    • Home charging or work - not waiting
    • Editable by users.
    • Tied to favorite locations, etc…