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Pending Installs per Autopilot-Hardware

StefanSarzio 5 years ago 0

Can you add the "Pending Installs" column also to the "Autopilot <X> Totals" tables on the same page?


Feature request: include battery charge level in "trying to sleep" emails, messages.

raleedy 5 years ago 0

Might be nice not to have to ask the car or open web page. 


Accuracy phantom drain on active/inactive days

I have noticed something peculiar in these lockdown times. 

My phantom drain (due to power consumption in Sleep mode) is consistently higher on the few days when I had a drive (often short drives), then on inactive days when no drives occurred. I checked and I don't have missing drives which are incorrectly logged as Sleep. In fact, I noticed that phantom drain during long inactive periods is extremely low (around 1 km per day).

Could this be related to the accuracy of Teslafi or could this be real? I drive a Model 3 SR+.


Feature request: change info about battery heater running to minutes instead of percentage

StefanSarzio 5 years ago updated by James 5 years ago 0

For me "On for x minutes" would be more helpful than "On for 27 % of the idle", because what really matters is how long it was running, not how long the idle was in relation. Idle time might vary greatly but energy loss is defined solely be how long the battery heater was running in absolute terms.


Set 24 hours sleep mode from 00:00 to 00:00

fredschroeder 5 years ago updated by llamafilm 1 year ago 1

does scheduler takes 24 hours if start & end time are equal?


Track quarantine via TeslaFi data?

elwebst 5 years ago updated by James 5 years ago 0

I'd love to do some tracking on US impacts to driving using TeslaFi data. Things like how much driving has slowed, whether that slowing is different depending on your state (e.g., WA first, now NYC and New Orleans), has average trip length changed, for how many drivers have things not changed (e.g., you'd expect medical providers to be unchanged) and so on.

Would you be willing to make deidentified data available for this kind of thing?



Battery degratation report temperature visualization

Brick1881 5 years ago updated by rguptaca 4 years ago 2

On the beta-version of the battery degradation report it would be interresting to see if the fleet avg. outside temperature and my car's outside temperature are different. My car has dropped quite a lot, but it seems it might correspond with winter here in Norway, and maybe (hopefully) that is not the case for the "fleet".


Connect to wifi to receive Software update notification

exyll 5 years ago updated by James 4 years ago 3

At the moment the Tesla app only shows a notitfication when the car has already downloaded an update and it is ready to install. In the car you see a yellow icon indicating an update is ready for download if you connect to wifi.

It would be cool if you could create a "Software update X.Y.Z ready for download, connect to wifi to download" as that would enable users to install updates faster. This could be pushed via Pushover API.


units in the summary table

frict be@gmail com 5 years ago updated 1 year ago 1

In summary tables like this:

Image 1713

I propose to change the table like this, with the convention:

in column 1, name of the field

in column 2: value and unit

so it becomes like this - I highlight the changes - you maintain the color

Image 1715