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Charge Efficiency around 80% - normal?

stefan wehinger@gmail com 6 years ago updated by Stoobiedoo 5 years ago 1

My charge efficiency is around 80%.

Model S 75D Mid 2017, 11kW AC charger

Webasto Pure 11kW charging station (https://webasto-charging.com/de_at/catalog/product/view/id/17/s/webasto-ac-pure-s-22kw/category/3/)

Question: Is this low efficiency normal? The losses seems very high!

Thank you all, Stefan


Add column in "Tagged Location" to show Sentry Mode Setting

bsietz 6 years ago 0

Since Sentry Mode can be enabled or disabled per tagged location, it would be helpful to see if this option is enabled or disabled when listing all tagged locations. When you select Drives -> Tagged Locations the display should have a new column after the Radius column and before the Edit column.

Without this extra column, the only way to see which locations have sentry enabled or disabled is to manually edit each tagged locatoin.


Add API command to set HVAC temperature

dantfionline 6 years ago updated by James 4 years ago 6

There's an option in schedules to set HVAC temperature but no corresponding API action, just start/stop.  Can this be added easily?


Don't use charges of less than 1% as completed charges

cwginac 6 years ago 0

When plugged in, the car may start charging again after a fully completed charge to stay at the limit.  This can cause 4-5 "completed" charges when it really should be considered one charge.  This throws off the degradation graph and table.

My suggestion is to filter out "completed" charges that are less than 1% or 2%.


TeslaFi API - truncated option codes and sentry_mode always null

sam3000 6 years ago updated by James 5 years ago 2


I've recently started using the TeslaFi API and have a couple of queries:

1) The option codes field is truncated to 50 chars.  Could we get this expanded to return all data ?

eg what we see now:  "option_codes":"AD15,MDL3,PBSB,RENA,BT37,ID3W,RF3G,S3PB,DRLH,DV2W,"

2) The sentry_mode field is always null.  Could this be changed to return whether or not sentry mode is enabled ?


James 5 years ago

1. The option codes are something that was never meant to be saved which is why it's truncated. They are not used by TeslaFi at all and will probably be removed at some point since they already create 10+ million fields a day of unused data.

2. The sentry_mode data is actually stored under "speedLimit". It was a repurposed field.


Sentry mode SMS notification

tranzndance 6 years ago 0

Could we please get the option to get an SMS notification when Sentry mode is activated automatically based on location? 


Ski Area

agianfagna 6 years ago 0

Please add a location icon for Ski areas. Skiing symbol or a mountain or something like that. Thanks.


Charging which crossing midnight - specially at home

JPFagerback 6 years ago 0

If a charge period to day starts in the evening and lasts past midnight I would prefer to have the change performed after midnight registered on the new day. It makes it so much easier to match it to daily electrical charges.


How can I split a drive?

russgm 6 years ago updated by James 3 years ago 1

I don't see any Button or function to do this.

James 3 years ago

A split drive has been added to drives: