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Best way to track business vs personal miles for tax purposes?

Sasage 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 2

There are a lot of Tax milage apps out there. It would be very useful to enable a Business / Personal use classification so we could just use TeslaFi instead to 2 solutions.  Anyone doing this or any plans to build in a simple solution to this app?  


Calculate TOTAL Supercharging to date.

rgalmeida34 6 years ago updated by StefanSarzio 6 years ago 2

Maybe this can already be done and I'd like to see data of all supercharging done to date and moving forward. Would be great to know the data behind my usage. How many kwh and how much savings I've incurred. 


Charge summary emails

velociped77 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 1

Charge summary emails like the drive summary emails. 

(location, home/drive/SuC-charge, start-time and SOC, end-time and SOC, duration, kWh used/added, etc.)


Do we really need decimals on rated and estimated range?

wayner 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 1

New user here - I notice that my rated range is 321.45km and estimated range is 319.25km.  Why do we need these figures to decimal places since the range is an educated guess and surely isn't that accurate?  Showing this degree of precisionimplies that you can calculate range down to 50 metres which is not true.  May I suggest that you show range as an integer rounded to 0 decimal places.


Display Trip A and B

velociped77 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 0

Display Trip A and B with consumption (Wh/m, Wh/km) on main page (especially for the lifetime consumption)


Message if car is Offline in the Header missing

pjw65 7 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 3

My car is since 10 Minutes offline (I found it in the RAW Data), but on the top of the Frontpage I see still the last mesage:

MyCar Is Idling

5 Minutes

Instead of :

MyCar Is Offline
10 Minutes


Add API Command to Turn On HVAC

perrotta 7 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 2



Export Drives to CSV - Include Tags and Notes Please

sendsley 7 years ago updated by Hans Radtke 12 months ago 4

Being able to add tags and notes to drives is awesome, but would really be helpful to have this in 2 additional columns when I download to CSV.  Thanks


Data Export No Longer Working

James 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

Because the new servers consist of a database server, data logger server and a web server the existing process I used to export data on an all in one server no longer works.  I will have to re-write the entire process.


Add the old software version to the "Software Updates" page that shows each update

StefanSarzio 7 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 5
DateVersionModelStateLocationAutopilot VerService Center
12-07-2017 05:29 AM17.26.76S75DTexasUnited States2

Add another column "old version was"