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Frequency of API requests
I'm wondering what is the frequency with which I can call the API? Is there a limit? Can I do it every 10 seconds? I was hoping to track my car with my home automation system.
Tagged location: Pizza icon
I'm not sure if this is the right way to submit this (please let me know if not).
It would be awesome if we could get a pizza icon for tagged locations.
Select which controls to enable when setting API key
When I set my API key, I have the option to enable controls. I can enable all or none, but not some of them. I only use one or two of the controls. I consider having controls I don't use a security concern. If an attacker gains access to my account, I think it would be less of an issue if all they can do is wake up my car or start the air conditioning but can not unlock my car.
Charging Summary
I would find it more useful if the Charging Summary is sorted by kWh Added/Used instead of # Of Charges.
The Avg Efficiency could also be displayed at the summary line in AC Charging Totals.
Would it be possbile to hide categories that doesn't contain any charges (in my case CHAdeMo Totals).
version / date matrix of fleet updates should show more rows
There are so many software versions 'in-play' these days that the six line version / date matrix is often missing versions that are still being pushed-out. Please expand the number of lines.
Is there a statistic regarding idle / sleep ratio
I am asking myself, if the idle / sleep ratio of my car is „normal“.
At the moment the car is parking for 5 days, but the sleeping time is only 20-25%.
All the other time the car is idleing, and minor percentage conditioning.
Is there a statistic where I can see the ratio at other cars?
I’d like an easier-to-select-from drop down icon list please.
The current list on my iPad in landscape mode only displays 5 choices starting from the bottom of the list. That requires a lot of scrolling to see (1) if a relevant icon even exists, and (2) to select one if it does. Also, many such drop downs in other apps work such that typing a letter scrolls the list to the first occurrence of an item whose name begins with that letter. Really helps speed up scrolling. So, could the drop-down be configured to show more items at once, and use a typed letter to shorten the scrolling effort please?
Link to drive in email
Hi there,
A quick easy one, would it be possible to include a link directly to a drive in the email for completed drives.
Many thanks
Format all numbers to have the same amount of precision.
For example, all mileage is measured to the hundredths of miles (309.99), but when the number ends in 0 (309.90), it's truncated to the first non-zero digit (309.9).
Other numbers include percentages, temperatures, ect.
TeslaFi Lifetime Drive Miles differ greatly from Model 3 ODO
Wondering why my TeslaFi "Lifetime" drive miles varies by over 181mi so far in the first 6-month (4,500mi) of use.
I stated logging with TeslaFi on Day-1 delivery (Car ODO 25mi) and now TeslaFi shows a total of 4,381 driven while my actual ODO is at 4,562.
Customer support service by UserEcho