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Firmware Updates
Does the dataset contain anything to tell that a software update is currently happening? If so, it would be great to have that as a separate "interval" interrupting Idle periods. If not, perhaps just insert a break when the data begins reporting a new version. I know your past update times can be seen on the Firmware Tracker page, but I'd like to see it in the daily detail list and calendar view.
Model 3 shows all Supercharging as "savings" when most of us are, in fact, charged.
Every time I supercharge, I am charged by Tesla, but TeslaFi shows my supercharges as "savings." With a developing and ever-changing mix of people who are and are not charged for supercharging, perhaps you should give a configuration option to specify whether we get charged or not, with Model S/X defaulting to free and Model 3 defaulting to charged, given that most are set up that way.
Multiple "Offline" messages today after SW 28.1 update.... Mode 3
Installed update 28.1 last night on my Model 3 coming from 27.4 since delivery and now have three side effects so far as a TeslaFi since Day-1 user:
- Idle drain seems to be reduced by about 50% per hour based on my TeslaFi previous data logs/days. *That's the good one!
- Car does not seem to want to enter sleep mode as it did before usually after 30min of being parked per my TeslaFi settings.
- I've had several "Offline" notifications already today via TeslaFi that I've never seen in the past AND the Tesla widget on my iPhone 8 reports "Please Open App" which does bring the car back online, but not sure why it's offline in the first place.
Unfortunately TeslaFi can't make the car sleep. It can only pause polling to try to let it sleep but it's up the Tesla and car when it's ready to sleep and it seems to change with the model 3 on each firmware release.
I would make sure you have cabin overheat turned off. I would also recommend not using the Tesla widget since every time you view it the car will 'wake up' and the clock could start all over on when it's ready to sleep.
A few software versions have displayed offline when the car is idle and it may be sleeping but it's not the typical way it works. It changes from version to version so for now TeslaFi just includes this in the idle session. You can disable offline notifications within settings->notifications if you receive to many.
Hopefully this helps.
extra page for data entry
I would like to have an extra page with very reduced view only for the data entry of tags and notes of drives and charges. With large fields to click. This would be extremely helpful for the data maintenance in the vehicle on the Tesla screen.
By the way: the selection field for the tags doesn´t work on the tesla screen.
average speed
I think that it would make sense to show the average speed as weighted by distance rather than time.
That should give you a much better idea of the efficiency of the car at different speeds, since efficiency is determined per mile not per hour.
Scheduling Corrections
1. Add a wake command if API reports error 'could_not_wake_buses'. Multiple attempts at the command does wake the car with the error.
2. Exit schedule if response is 'complete' after start charging due to the vehicle already charging.
Filter by Battery Size - Model 3
https://teslafi.com/top.php - no option to filter by Model 3 drives.
Add ability to "snooze" TeslaFi indefinitely until sleep is detected
With the inconsistent sleep behavior seen on some firmware versions I would like an ability to tell TeslaFi to stop polling indefinitely until a sleep is detected. It should be a link on the main TeslaFi screen so it can be easily accessed.
A typical scenario would be something like:
* Drive from home to work
* Open TeslaFi, hit snooze button
* TeslaFi does non-waking polling of vehicle until sleep is detected
* When sleep is detected TeslaFi returns to standard polling so the next idle/drive is detected
There should also be a way to restart polling the way you currently can through the SMS and email sleep attempt alerts.
I am currently considering discontinuing the use of TeslaFi as sleeping has become unpredictable with the newer firmware and I don't want to leave my car in Idle all day if sleep doesn't happen to occur during the quite period TeslaFi observes after the car is initially parked.
Break out Fleet section stats for Model 3
All pages in the Fleet section should break out stats for Model 3. Leaderboard should have a Model 3 only page. Firmware stats should be separate for Model 3. And the Statistics page should have a filter to show only specific models. Map of location for only Model 3 cars would show the spread of deliveries around the world. Will be useful as new models roll out in future years, too.
Customer support service by UserEcho