
TeslaFi API - truncated option codes and sentry_mode always null

sam3000 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 2


I've recently started using the TeslaFi API and have a couple of queries:

1) The option codes field is truncated to 50 chars.  Could we get this expanded to return all data ?

eg what we see now:  "option_codes":"AD15,MDL3,PBSB,RENA,BT37,ID3W,RF3G,S3PB,DRLH,DV2W,"

2) The sentry_mode field is always null.  Could this be changed to return whether or not sentry mode is enabled ?




1. The option codes are something that was never meant to be saved which is why it's truncated. They are not used by TeslaFi at all and will probably be removed at some point since they already create 10+ million fields a day of unused data.

2. The sentry_mode data is actually stored under "speedLimit". It was a repurposed field.


1. The option codes are something that was never meant to be saved which is why it's truncated. They are not used by TeslaFi at all and will probably be removed at some point since they already create 10+ million fields a day of unused data.

2. The sentry_mode data is actually stored under "speedLimit". It was a repurposed field.

ping.   any thoughts on fixing these things ?