
daily wakeup

amallah 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 1

My car was in a minor accident that requires sitting in a body shop parking lot for days without use which allows me to really get an idea of the value of TeslaFi sleep mode and its ability to hang onto charge.

I have about 7 days in a row of no use on the car. I've lost about 11% in that time from TeslaFi. During that 7 days, almost once a day, it just randomly wakes up, attempts to go back to sleep (which generally takes 5 attempts) and then shuts back down. I believe the loss is due to climate control kicking in (it's been very cold).

Does anyone else have a daily wake up and go to sleep? Is it something I have set up wrong? I've changed my password and I don't have anything that should be accessing the car except the TeslaFi app.



Yes, most cars wake up more than once per day on their own.  Only Tesla would know why but I'm assuming the car is waking up to check in with the Tesla servers.  My car has been in the garage for the last two days and it's woken up three times today and then fallen back to sleep within a few minutes or an hour.  It probably depends if there is data that it needs to upload.  Just a guess though.


Yes, most cars wake up more than once per day on their own.  Only Tesla would know why but I'm assuming the car is waking up to check in with the Tesla servers.  My car has been in the garage for the last two days and it's woken up three times today and then fallen back to sleep within a few minutes or an hour.  It probably depends if there is data that it needs to upload.  Just a guess though.