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Unlock Charge Port via API
I would like for the integration to include the ability to unlock the charge port via the controls API so I don't have to go into the Tesla app to do it, is that possible?
Currently there are only the options for the charge port to be opened or closed, but if I try to run either of those when the cable is connected it errors (as expected).
Set charging amps below 5A
With the old "Owners API" it was possible to set the charging amps to lower than 5A.
For example: I have sent 2A the first time, it set the amps to 5A. After the second attempt sending 2A it had set it to 2A.
This would be helpful to realize solar powered charging. Is it possible to implement it?
MCU2 going off completely randomly, Its only less then 1 year old.
Help tesla people on here. I am having major issues with San Diego tesla service not wanting to swap my MCU2 out for being defective. I been taking it there for issues with turning off completely. Black screens on both displays and not come on when press foot on brake. Open and close doors etc. Have to push 2 buttons on steering wheel to reload. It's in the service now 4th time in 2 months. They say it's an update the "F" IT UP but 2 times ago said if happens again would change out for new
Any other 2017 or so with the MCU2 installed have these issues. Please help. What do I do to make them change the MCU2. THANKS.
Update from Tesla Service
So the San Diego tesla service center told me this. Ugh. As you can see on the picture from invoice. The ones lucky to have a good MCU2 working fine. Lucky you. I upgraded mine in Jan 2024 and been having issues. As stated by tesla " at this time, tesla engineering team is aware of issue and fix will be implemented in a future software update"
Ugh. They didn't replace it. Said it's software and hopefully be addressed with tesla engineering.....
Ugh. What should I do. Maybe try another tesla service in area? Not the one off the 163 freeway... help. I’m so mad at this.... thanks all
Quickest way to see trip history?
What's the quickest way to get to a chronological list of your drive history? Sometimes when I get back from a longer trip, I want to look at the data from that most recent trip. Drive summary shows me a list of my "top" trips but I haven't found a better way to see my most recent trips than by going to the calendar and selecting the current day. A section called "Drive History" that simply shows chronological list of your drives would be handy.
Charging Curve
Can Teslafi add a Charging curve to show Level 3 and a separate chart for Level 2 charging curves? Allow for a YoY comparison?
(feature request) Odometer graph (or data dump) for historic vehicles.
Love the odometer graph, but it only shows my current car.
Love the service, hope you will survive the transition to the new paid API's.
"Sentry Mode Was Unable To Be Activated"
We have two Model 3 Teslas on our accounts. Only my 3 gets the "Sentry Mode Was Unable To Be Activated..." error message texts consistently for the past half a year.
Customer support service by UserEcho