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Import driving history from Teslamate?

drkoch 3 years ago 0

Hi. Is it possible to export data from TeslaMate and import them into TeslaFi. I would like to switch to TeslaFi if this is possible.

Best wishes,



Home Charging Rates - Month & Date

Markn455 5 years ago updated by Trebek1762 12 months ago 7

The new home charging rate is an excellent feature. My electric company varies the rate based on time of year rather than the time of day. A lot like daylight saving time. Our lower rate starts in the fall and ends in the spring when they switch to the Summer rate. Some way of adding an effective date to the existing option might to the trick.


Display Map Version

Moggerhangermark 6 years ago 0

Show what version of maps is loaded in the car, show when maps was updated by date and version number ie history.

No idea if the Tesla API will support this but I was in a service center yesterday and I could see my software update history and map update history, surprised to see several map updates in the 5 months I’ve had the car. I could also see failed firmware and maps updates for my car on the service center computer which seems really useful.


Enable Seat Heaters On/Off in Scheduling

comeaujo 6 years ago updated by anonymous 2 years ago 3

Now that heated seats can be turned on through climate control via the app, unfortunately all seat heaters turn on by default when you turn on HVAC. Does @TeslaFi have any plans to to enable control of the seat heaters in Scheduling? This way I could schedule HVAC to turn on then all or certain seat heaters to turn off, reducing my electricity consumption.


Show battery degradation statistics from original maximum capacity

jbctech 6 years ago updated by Teslaap 2 years ago 6

I love the "Battery Report" where it shows the battery degradation information. I would love to have the ability have it show total degradation from what a new battery would have. I purchased a used vehicle and signed up for TeslaFi a couple months after I took ownership, so the degradation only shows me a fraction of the overall degradation of the battery.

Would be great if I could some how plug in either the type of battery or the maximum rated range of a new one and have it do some calculations based off of that.


Automated superchaging invoice with currency conversion

gordon 2 years ago 0

As a feature of supercharging invoice is already in place, there would be great to add 2 elements to it:

1. Automation.

2. Currency conversion for abroad charges.

For charging costs summaries to work, different currency values payed abroad would need to be converted to the main currency used by the user and applied to charging entries.

This is quite a common situation in Europe.


Increase polling while driving

berticus 5 years ago updated by wmaciel 1 year ago 3

It would be useful to have the option to enable increased polling when the car is detected to be in drive mode. This provides more detailed and granular data on speed and position when graphing that information. The current 1 minute interval seems quite long and potentally misses alot of data. 


Charging graph as a function of State of Charge

bmah 5 years ago updated by shingles 3 years ago 3

I'd like to be able to see a graph that shows the delivered power (in kW) as a function of the State of Charge, for any given charging session.  (There doesn't seem to be a way to do this with TeslaFi today...basically I am picturing something like the graphs as currently shown, but with the State of Charge instead of time on the X axis.)  This type of graph is commonly used when discussing the Supercharging taper curves of various batteries/models/software.

Thanks for consideration!



How to correctly record free charging of Supercharge, and display cost saving?

gaoruijie 5 years ago updated by babybird 2 years ago 5

How to correctly record free charging of Supercharge, and display cost saving?


Set Charge Limit at Home automatically

sportal 6 years ago updated by anonymous 5 years ago 1

TeslaFi sets the charge percentage limit when I'm at the home location to say 60%, and when I'm not at my home location to set my charge percentage limit to 90%? This way I can optimize charging on free travel chargers.