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Under review

weird sleep pattern: car will be woken up after ~5-50min of sleep

lewurm 5 years ago updated by Mrklaw 4 years ago 79

Since 12/12/2019 my car only goes into sleep for a quick nap. It almost never sleeps longer than 50min anymore, wakes up for apparently no reason, and then goes into sleep after 40-45min again. First I thought it would be connected with the 2019.40.2.1 update. I reset my Tesla password and generated a new token for TeslaFi, so I would be sure that no other third party app (and even Tesla's app) doesn't interfere. That sleep pattern still showed up, so I contacted Tesla because I thought the car wakes up for some reason on its own (as I stated above, I thought it was connected with the update). However "Tesla Virtual Service" confirmed that the wake up reasons are due to a third party app. Since TesalFi was the only application at this point with a valid token... it must be TeslaFi. It is a bit surprising to me because there isn't anything visible in the raw data feed (e.g. an intended wake up call). Is this a known issue?

Here an example from 12/27/2019

Image 1546

Here a screenshot for the according raw data feed

Image 1545

My sleep settings

Image 1544


adding a missing drive?

pfg 5 years ago updated by James 1 year ago 3


Is there a way to "manually" add a drive? 

I forgot to enable polling and I'm missing the very first drive from the service center.



New Leaderboard List: Superchargers Visited

mkolowich 7 years ago updated by James 2 years ago 3

I'd love to see a leaderboard on TeslaFi for number of unique superchargers visited.  This would mirror (and help TeslaFi members participate in) the Tesla Motors Club thread at https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/superchargers-visited.28193/.


Controls Tesla via IFTTT Webhooks

fesfsef 7 years ago updated by raphaeldavid 6 years ago 6

Hi James,

With EVMOTE it had the option of adding webhooks, where I could send a POST (Text/Plain) request to my car via IFTTT, similar to your TeslaFi API access I presume but with controls.

e.g.  https://www.evmote.com/ifttt/5f8242b1-7b4a-4fa3-a83b-33eaf683b29f/honk would honk my Tesla horn. I could then add this to IFTTT so if my Nest smoke alarms went off the car would honk etc.

Do you think that would be possible to add to TeslaFi?

Thanks Will


Total high-rate charging

StefanSarzio 8 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 12

I would like a statistic for the amount of high-rate charging. I guess > 22 kW would be a good definition of 'high-rate'.

I would like to see kWh, number of charges, time of charging.


Unlock Charge Port Action

CircuitGuy 6 years ago updated by jimnordb 2 months ago 1


Given the TM3 phone unlock, I have to play the dancing game to unlock the car before opening the charge port. I already stop charge using TeslaFi when the higher day rates kick in, I'd love to unlock the charge port as well.


Dark / night mode theme

coolsilver 2 years ago updated by greenfreak 3 weeks ago 4

Not sure if there was any request for a dark / night mode. I admit I tend to overuse night mode themes but would be nice even in the car or phone.


Compare charging cost to gasoline price

ben gibb 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 1

I would like to request a TeslaFi added feature. I want to easily compare my charging cost to the equivalent gasoline / diesel price for the same mileage. There would be an input in settings for the gasoline price in the person's area (similar how there is an input to electricity cost in a person's area). Then, on the calendar page, there would be another column for the month calculating [ (TOTAL KM / CHARGE COST) * (GAS PRICE $ / LITER) ] ^-1 * 100, giving you equivalent liter per 100km.  A similar calculation could be done for MPG.


Auto Renew Access Token

mabene 8 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 6

Currently the site seems to store just the access token returned from tesla API, and send manual renewal requests for when they expire.

The token returned by the apc actually contains a mechanism that seems to allow automatic renewal:in addition to the access_token, you get a refresh_token.

Calling the /oauth/token endpoint with parameters
{ "grant_type", "refresh_token" },
{ "client_id", TESLA_CLIENT_ID },
{ "client_secret", TESLA_CLIENT_SECRET },
{ "refresh_token", <refresh token from previous request>}
seems to work and provides a new access token and a new refresh token.

This should allow automatic token renewal while still not storing tesla account passwords.