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Different languages to set

quadro62 4 years ago updated by Juergenlks 5 months ago 6

I would very much appreciate it if you could also switch TeslaFi to German. I would understand many better! Thank you so much!


Drives per Driver/Profile

the clone 4 years ago updated by TeslaMike 2 years ago 1

I would like to see the possibility, drive summary and single drives to have the driver or profile in the name. with this it would be possible to select all drive done by my son ond to charge him ;-) 


Does anyone think the UI could be improved?

epheterson 6 years ago updated by macmaniac 4 years ago 7

TeslaFi is great, and has tons of data, but it's a little hard on the eyes. I don't have many specific suggestions, but think a sit down with a UI designer could lead to some aesthetic improvements, the current UI is pretty basic and crude, essentially a bunch of tables and red backgrounds. The data itself is great, but the UI being so dispersed and distracting can make it hard to consume the data.


Speed Efficiency Speed up to 265 k/mh

mathiasuhl@gmx de 3 years ago updated by Phil1501 2 years ago 3

Here in Germany our "normal" speed on the autobahn is 160-180 and often I go up to 265 therefore can you extend the page "Speed Efficiency" to the Tesla Max speeds ?


Unlock Charge Port Action

CircuitGuy 6 years ago 0


Given the TM3 phone unlock, I have to play the dancing game to unlock the car before opening the charge port. I already stop charge using TeslaFi when the higher day rates kick in, I'd love to unlock the charge port as well.


Compare charging cost to gasoline price

ben gibb 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 1

I would like to request a TeslaFi added feature. I want to easily compare my charging cost to the equivalent gasoline / diesel price for the same mileage. There would be an input in settings for the gasoline price in the person's area (similar how there is an input to electricity cost in a person's area). Then, on the calendar page, there would be another column for the month calculating [ (TOTAL KM / CHARGE COST) * (GAS PRICE $ / LITER) ] ^-1 * 100, giving you equivalent liter per 100km.  A similar calculation could be done for MPG.


Auto Renew Access Token

mabene 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 6

Currently the site seems to store just the access token returned from tesla API, and send manual renewal requests for when they expire.

The token returned by the apc actually contains a mechanism that seems to allow automatic renewal:in addition to the access_token, you get a refresh_token.

Calling the /oauth/token endpoint with parameters
{ "grant_type", "refresh_token" },
{ "client_id", TESLA_CLIENT_ID },
{ "client_secret", TESLA_CLIENT_SECRET },
{ "refresh_token", <refresh token from previous request>}
seems to work and provides a new access token and a new refresh token.

This should allow automatic token renewal while still not storing tesla account passwords.


Home Charging Rates - Month & Date

Markn455 4 years ago updated by Trebek1762 4 months ago 7

The new home charging rate is an excellent feature. My electric company varies the rate based on time of year rather than the time of day. A lot like daylight saving time. Our lower rate starts in the fall and ends in the spring when they switch to the Summer rate. Some way of adding an effective date to the existing option might to the trick.


Enable Seat Heaters On/Off in Scheduling

comeaujo 5 years ago updated by coolsilver 1 year ago 3

Now that heated seats can be turned on through climate control via the app, unfortunately all seat heaters turn on by default when you turn on HVAC. Does @TeslaFi have any plans to to enable control of the seat heaters in Scheduling? This way I could schedule HVAC to turn on then all or certain seat heaters to turn off, reducing my electricity consumption.