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List of all Untagged Locations without Refresh

vkapadia 5 years ago 0

Every now and then I go through all my untagged locations and tag them. Between each location, the driving records refresh and I have to wait for it to do that before I can add the next location. Is there a way to just get a list of untagged locations so that I can tag them all quickly?


what do the different colors of the trip mean on the map (red, green, orange)

tengerr 5 years ago updated by Nick Antonizick 1 year ago 2

what do the different colors of the trip mean on the map (red, green, orange)


Scheduled Stop Charge works but then car starts charging again

Simon Cox 5 years ago 0

I currently have my car set to start charging at 00:30 (when my cheap overnight tariff starts) but it often won’t have finished charging by the time the cheap tariff finishes (04:30) so I am using a Teslafi Schedule to stop charging at 04:30 (my work cycle means I can happily top up on consecutive nights if I don’t quite hit my charge limit within one nightly 4 hour window). This seems to work initially but then the car starts up charging again some time later (this morning for example it stated up again at 06:30 and continued to it hit my charge limit). Is there some setting I am missing or something I can do in scheduling to prevent the car restarting the charge after Teslafi has stopped it?


kWh added vs kWh used

GForce100 5 years ago 0

When doing a "Charge Search and Download" I notice that in the CSV file provided there is a kWh used column and kWh added column. I assume that the kWh used column is the amount of energy used to charge the battery and the kWh added column is the amount of energy that has actually been added to the battery inclusive of efficiency loss.

If my understanding is correct then the real cost of a charge session would be closer to the "used" value than the "added" value.

It is then possible to have an option for the Charge Search and Download summary page to show the "kWh used" instead of "kWh added" along with the associated cost? This would be similar to the "Show gas savings as" option where we can select - "Gas Cost" or "Difference between Drive cost and Gas cost".


(Travel)Charges are not showing up in the Calender and Charge Search anymore

Wunderlag 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 0

Image 1587

Image 1588

Here are the charges from 08.01.2020 and 09.01.2020 (date in DD.MM.YYYY):

Image 1590

Image 1589


what are the units of the charge rate field?

berticus 5 years ago updated by Robipad 5 years ago 1

When looking at the charging details table, for the charging rate field, what units is that? It does not appear to be kph, nor kWh. Can someone clarify?


Under review

charging added more kwh than used

berticus 5 years ago updated by James 5 years ago 1


I had a weird situation doing a short charge where the kWh added was higher than the kWh used.

The car was cold this morning, so is it possible that as the battery was warming up, more of it became available which makes it look like the SOC went up higher than what was used to charge it?


Is “Autopilot 2.0” (etc.) equivalent to “Hardware 2.0”?

ALLANF 5 years ago updated by James 5 years ago 0

Disable 'trying to sleep' before Chaging scheduled time

mat89 5 years ago 0

TeslaFI often is in status 'trying to sleep' just before a schduled charging occurs.

So I set my scheduled charging to 20:00 and it is displayed in TeslaFI correctly.

As the car was parked some time ago, and didn't got to sleep yet, TeslaFI goes into the stat 'trying to sleep' lets say on 19:50. As it doesn't poll then for 15 minutes (default setting), TeslaFI reports charge startet on 20:05 which is wrong.

Maybe added energy is and efficiency is then also wrong (not confirmed).

Solution: Cancel 'trying to sleep' just before scheduled charge starts, for example, 1-2 minutes before. 

Solution 2 (workaround): add possibility in 'Schedule and Reminders' to cancel 'trying to sleep'


Correct Rounding Error in calculating actual Supercharging costs

Dave Carroll 5 years ago 0

It appears the fractional "Used kWh" amount is included by TeslaFi in multiplying by cost per kWh, but Tesla only charges by the whole kWh, meaning a rounding function might be needed.

Real life example:

Supercharger cost (overridden in the properties of the location): $.23 / kWh

Used kWh: 36.2

TeslaFi calculated cost: $8.33

Actual bill from Tesla: 36 kWh @ $.23 = $8.28

Further investigation shows they round to the nearest whole kWh amount.