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Coming out of sleep mode.

jbuszkie 5 years ago 0

I just changed my sleep settings and I got a text that my car was trying to sleep..  Then I got a text that my

car went to sleep.  Great!  A bit later (more then 15 minutes) I went and got lunch in my car.

When I got back I was eventually expecting the text that my car was trying to sleep.  I never got it.  I went to the website 

and saw that teslafi still thinks my car is asleep from the first time!  I thought it would poll every minute to see if the car

is awake or not.

Did I miss a setting?


Overall Efficiency

MarkRoderick 5 years ago 0

I just want to know:

-- How much total energy I've put into the vehicle since a specified date. Not how much energy the vehicle has added to its battery, but the total energy I paid the electric company for.

-- How many miles I've driven since that specified date.

Those two numbers will give my effective "fuel economy."

I can't figure out how to get that information from TeslaFi. Can anyone help please?



Display Sentry Mode Status

coolsilver 5 years ago updated by James 5 years ago 2

Display Sentry Mode Status. List in header by locked/unlocked status. Good to see since car will be idle. Try also not to sleep/pause polling of car in Sentry Status


Car status seems a little misleading if car is offline

Silicon Desert 5 years ago 0

It's a nice feature that I get an email notification when the car is offline.  Although when I go online and check this status, the last report line is somewhat misleading and makes me think the car probably came back on line when it hasn't.

Example the MX is reporting it has been in parked state for abut 12 hours, but in fact it has been off line for over 20 hours.  Not really a big deal, yet wonder if that is something you know about.

Might be nice to have a status line that indicates the car has been offline for a long period of time.

Great software.

Not a bug

TeslaFi API Shows no JSON output

kurtTesla 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 2

Currently, when I try accessing the TeslaFi API I get an empty response, no JSON is presented.

Is there a bug? 
Used: https://www.teslafi.com/feed.php?token=TOKEN


track day high-res data add-on

zippy 5 years ago updated by James 5 years ago 0

would love to have an option to turn on high resolution data logging for a day, say >= 20Hz sampling of speed and position (G forces and braking/accel inputs too if you get these from the car).

the current sampling rate is useful day to day, but in some situations it would be worth it as a user to have the option to trigger finer-grain logging, either as a feature or a pay to enable for a day deal.


Parameters in drive search url

dantfionline 5 years ago 0

If it's not too much effort it'd be nice to have the drive search php page accept search parameters in the url so a specific search could be bookmarke... i.e. something like https://teslafi.com/tags.php?searchStart=2019-01-01&searchEnd=2019-02-11&starting=Home&ending=Work&bothWays=1


download daily odo miles

krbabu 5 years ago updated by StefanSarzio 5 years ago 1


I'd like to download day-by-day odometer reading at, say, midnight every night. 

How can I do that? Thanks.




Kwh Hours Added is 0.0

Toadmanor 5 years ago 0

The last few days my car has charged (start 62% end 65%) and the percentage charge has increased. The interface shows the kWh Used ((a positive integer) and the added kWh is 0 and the efficiency is 0% 

What is this about?


Display battery level in consistent terms

jziller27 5 years ago updated by yps 4 years ago 0
  • The top of the page shows current battery level in miles.
  • Charge data shows it in Start % and End % per charge.
  • Drive data shows you kWh and % used per drive, but not start and end.

Why the inconsistency?  Pick one measurement and stick with it or let the user choose how to display battery usage.  It's frustrating to have to also do manual calculations just to make everything line up in my head when Im trying to compare my battery level at points in history.