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Environmental emissions data per charge

felipeseiber 1 year ago 0

It would be great if TeslaFi could somehow report the emissions data per charging session.

For example, I think the feature could work as follows:

  • a new preference setting to set my home zip code (or automatically pull this based on location)
  • then with this information TeslaFi could pull electricity emission data averages per zip code and report this data next to the charge session
  • if possible should account for night vs day charging (i.e. no solar at night)
  • would need an override option for users charging with home solar

Other possible features:

  • automatically pull zip code data for supercharger stations to report emission data for super charger sessions
  • automatically pull zip code data for travel charging 
  • add emissions reduction based on ICE vehicle using the MPG setting already set in preferences. (i.e. https://www.fueleconomy.gov/ is able to report grams / mile of greenhouse emissions that could be compared against the power emissions of charging the Tesla and then report the net reductions)

Finally, this would be great information to also summarize in the fleet data to collectively see the emissions impact of all Tesla drivers. 


Assign colours to tagged drives

silentwings 1 year ago 0

It would be great to be able to assign a colour to different tags to make it easier to identify them on the main day screen and in search results. For example I do occasional food delivery with my car and have a "DoorDash" tag, which I would like to set to be red and an "UberEats" tag which I'd like to set to be dark green. But I'm sure others would have a use for this too.


Auto updated home charging prices via european energy exchange prices

macmaniac 1 year ago 0

I'm using a hourly changing utility rate with prices from european electricity exchange. The prices are per country publicly available so naturally it'd be super awesome if there'd be an option to say tick "use european electricity exchange prices" and maybe have some surcharge field an utility company might add to automatically have the correct prices for each charging session applied.


Trip Odometers

titanmiller 1 year ago 0

It would be great if you could add a simple custom trip odometers feature that allows you to set an arbitrary start mileage and have TeslaFi display trip odometer stats (miles, kWh, time, etc.)

My personal use case would be entering the mileage from when my tires were last changed/rotated to keep track of tire miles. In other words, make it retroactive so I could set the start the odometer at a previous mileage and see stats since that point in time. 

In addition, maybe have a countdown feature that you can set so that when you hit X,XXX miles it will give you a notification. Basically a maintenance reminder. 

Thanks for the great product!


How is the cost of a drive calculated?

Jaxmyers 1 year ago 0

I saw the answer to another question saying it was just the energy usage from a drive * the cost of home charging per KWh but that doesn't add up for me.

I just went on a drive that was 14.66 KWh and it says the cost was $1.83. That implies $0.148 per KWh but my cost of home charging is $0.28 per KWh so why is teh cost of the drive different from what I expected?


Combining Charging Statistics for multiple vehicles

NYCentral 1 year ago 0

I have two Teslas and would like to know if I could combine charging statistics for both vehicles into one combined report? 


Reminder import CSV data

FALCONU 1 year ago 0


I'd like to import older CSV file data with the same architecture of teslafi to my car.




Export Drives to CSV - Add Informations

Manzvador 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 0

I would be grateful if you could add the information of this cell in the CSV Export

Image 5001

Current CSV Header :
Date,"Start Time","End Time","Driving Time","Starting Address","Ending Address","Kilometers Driven","Rated Kilometers Used","Starting Odometer","Ending Odometer",Wh/Kilometer,"Efficiency %","Avg Speed","Battery % Used","kWh Used","Drive Cost",Note,Tag,"Drive Number"


Could there be a feature that knows when charging at home is using the Powerwall?

Ninram 1 year ago 0

I've been charging at home at night, and it's all or mostly been coming from the Powerwall.

I think a good feature would be to charge $0 while the Powerwall is providing power.


Tire Miles Counter

titanmiller 1 year ago updated by James 1 year ago 0

Any chance we can have a new feature that simulates trip counters? Specifically, I'm trying to track my tire mileage. It would be nice to be able to input a mileage and have it track how many miles since that number. 

To make it more useful, maybe allow inputting the tire make/model and you can get fleet Wh/mile for various tires under various speed/temperature conditions. There is a lot of heresy out there about tire efficiency.