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suggestion: poll gas pricing websites

sauerkraut45 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 0

Would it be possible to poll gas price watch websites based on the home location to update the price/gal in the gas savings area?


Tire Pressure

Madmolecule 6 years ago updated by Jyggy 2 years ago 15 1 duplicate

It would be nice to log tire pressure.  I current have a tire pressure alert even though all tire pressures are reading.  This might help me to figure out which sensor might be creating the alert.  (This all started after Tesla rotated my tires)


How about an annual drive/charge summary report available? Currently only Monthly or "Lifetime"

NJturtlePower 6 years ago updated by RStimers 4 years ago 2

Would be nice to see an annual or year end report similar to a credit card statement. I guess you can go to each feature and combine logs of specific dates, but would be nice to see it as a drop down option in the Calendar view.


Schedule depending on outside temperature. I am living in quebec and i have a bi-plan that cost me 4c/kw when over -15C

G chenard@gmail com 6 years ago 0

Schedule depending on outside temperature. I am living in quebec and i have a bi-plan that cost me 4c/kw when over -15C and 22c when under -15

So when the car is awake i would like to stop charging under -15 and start back charging over -13 for example whenever the time of the day 


set fix price for charging location

cedric tallichet 6 years ago updated by adamgilmore 5 years ago 2

Is there a way to define a fix price for charging at a specific location? At work, I pay 5.-... either the charge


Replicate table of tagged locations between accounts with multiple cars

mkolowich 6 years ago updated by James 3 years ago 3

My Model 3 has arrived (to share the driveway with my Model X), and of course the first thing I did was to start a new Teslafi.com account for the second car.

However, the thought of manually tagging dozens or even hundreds of the same locations as in my old account is daunting.

It would be incredibly helpful to be able to import the tagged locations from one account into another account.  This could EITHER be a one-time import or, even better, a shared table that can be used by both cars: an update to one is an update to both.

Under review

Edit start/ending address

danshaw 6 years ago updated by Sir Watts-a-Lot 11 months ago 7

Is it possible to edit the starting address or ending address of a drive? Because I park in a parking garage, I do not have cell reception there. Sometimes my drives have me ending outside of the tagged location - sometimes blocks away. Curious how I can fix that.

Here is an example of me leaving the parking garage (large circle). Because the lack of cell reception, the car was first seen in a different location (small circle)

Image 531

Under review

Personal supercharging graphs

bjornb 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2


A suggestion - it would be great if I could be able to see personal supercharging graphs like this:




Add a plug in reminder

chadgr 8 years ago updated by BattMobile 7 years ago 5

Also... the check for charging has saved by butt before... I have VT check at 10pm if it is plugged in and if not it sends me a text message. If I leave it overnight not plugged in I risk not having enough charge to get to work.....


TableView Headers should remain on screen when scrolling

rfmurphy81 8 years ago updated by James 8 years ago 1

When scrolling a long table, the TableView Headers should remain on the screen, otherwise when looking at the data in the table you are unable to decipher what each column is for, and what it means.