
Import history data from tesla vehicle

roevla 6 years ago updated by halconblanco@icloud com 5 years ago 4


I started using teslaFi today.

Is it possible to get the car history from the day i bought the car some 2 years ago?

kind regards




I had asked this of support back in Dec..  And they told me the Tesla API does not allow for accessing historical data.


I used Teslaspy too. It’s posible import CSV to Teslafi from original csv of teslaspy. Thanks


The Tesla API does not allow for accessing any historical data.  Only data from the date of signing up for TeslaFI will be available on TeslaFi.com.


I had asked this of support back in Dec..  And they told me the Tesla API does not allow for accessing historical data.

Bumping as I have the same question.