
Home charging rates - half hour increments

Donmc123 5 years ago updated by stevil 9 months ago 3

My Octopus Go Faster rate starts at 1:30am and finishes at 5;30am. Can the home charging screen be updated to reflect 30 minute increments when setting start and stop times. 


I'm surprised this isn't an option after all these years. The API is sat there waiting to be used. We should be able to pull the daily figures for electricity cost (I'm on tracker tariff, so it's daily for me) fairly easily.

UK electricity smart meters record in 30 minute intervals - as a result, many of our electricity tarrifs change on half hourly intervals, ie 00:30 - 04:40 - current functionality does not handle this.

Also not clear if home charging rates are DST aware - will soon find out...

Was about to suggest the same thing but just spotted this suggestion already in so a +1 from me please for the same reason!