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Move (copy) logout icon/function to top of window (next to controls icon)

scottf200 7 years ago 0

On many of the screens (and especially rawdata/logging) you have to jump / scroll to the bottom to get to the logout.  I'm a little confused on this decision. Almost all sites let you logout at the top of the screen. Can you move or copy the logout icon/function to the top of the window. Perhaps just put it to the right of the 'show controls' icon.


Icon for a Pool

xenodata 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 3

Add options on what to save in 'logger notes' on raw data screen/downloads.

scottf200 7 years ago updated by Gerlleates 5 years ago 0

On the raw data screen (https://teslafi.com/data.php) please please add a check box or something of what options we want saved/noted there.  For example I would like to know when my HVAC state changes!  ie. went from OFF to ON or ON to OFF.  Would be excellent in tracking things down like this bug below that I don't know who is causing (Tesla, Dashboard for Tesla, TeslaFI, Amazon Alexa 'My Car", etc)

Image 267


How do I display a review of my travels on the map

Papa4tesla 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 2

I was looking for how to recap the travels on the map. any hints? cebrian@mac.com

James 7 years ago

This is correct.  A upcoming update will also allow you to search by date on that page.

Not a bug

Charging Summary Wrong - Mismatch to Calendar View

cruzier 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 1

My Charge Total in the table "Charge Count At Location" for home charging is not correct. It shows 12 home charges and 259.62 kWh at 89.38 % on the calendar view I get Total kWh Used / Added  381.61 kWh / 321.76 kWh. This is also what I get when I add up the numbers myself after clicking on the "12" link. Did something go wrong on my account?


Changing vehicle

yamanote 7 years ago updated by ELDIAC 7 years ago 4

Hi- previously owned a Model X and did not renew my Teslafi subscription as I sold that vehicle. Recently purchased new Model S and purchased subscription and renewed token, but Teslafi still shows my old X (with no information being received). Settings shows the right vehicle being selected based on option code, it just isn’t reflecting on the tracking page. 


Add Analysis of Long Journeys to Drives Report Page

BattMobile 7 years ago 0

I would like to know about the days on which, cumulatively, I exceed the range of my battery. This would help me when buying my next car to decide how often I would actually need to Supercharge if my new car had X miles of range.

I think this would need to treat a day as being between early morning e.g. 3-4AM to allow time for me to return home "late" or "leave early".

For each journey (or aggregated averages) I'd like to know the number of miles travelled that "day", and the energy used (regardless of whether I charge at Supercharger or somewhere else)

Perhaps allow a "limit" to be set for inclusion in the list - I might want to consider a lower range than I currently have - and then show number of journeys in each month that exceeded that (with Min/Max/Avg Miles and Energy used), perhaps with drill-down to see the individual journeys

Maybe also a "fleet" report? e.g. to answer the question about whether people who "only do 50 miles a day" actually need a 200 mile range vehicle because they do a longer trip often enough.


Adding a tagged location

Stratusbill 7 years ago updated by luiscavaco 5 years ago 6

How do I add a tagged location?

James 7 years ago

You can only add a tagged location through a previously visited address.  Just click on the address in a sleep/charge/drive/idle session and a new window will appear to create the tag.


Allow a secondary email for notifications

DanTeslaX 7 years ago updated by James 7 years ago 1

I have plug-in reminders sent to my email.  When I'm traveling on business, my wife doesn't get notified if she forgets to plug in.  If I'm in a very different time zone, notifying me doesn't help.  Yes, I could change the notification email every time I travel, but it would be much preferred to set a second email address once.


Schedules - test before execute and email

scottf200 7 years ago 0

I appreciate the schedules feature. A basic feature that seems to be missing is 1st test to see if it is already in the that state/setting and then not issue the command and not send the email. I could see where you could optionally always send the email but the email says what the test state was found to be in and whether the command was then executed.

One example I'm using it for is to fold my mirrors in to make more room for those parked next to it (ie. lock the car w/fold mirrors enabled w/in car).