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Charging session should show distance since last charge
It is very interesting to see how long the trips are between two charging sessions. One way to display that information would be to print together with the charging session information; Distance since last charge.
Windows Down Reminder - Feature Request
Set windows control: “vent while driving” like Tesla App does parked
Vent control setting while driving simultaneously venting all the windows to the exact same height, turning AC off, recirculate off and setting fan speed to 3.
Feature Request: Supercharging Invoices add column used kWh
It would be incredible useful to have a column for used kWh here:
Teslas seems to be changing the value of free SC kilometers in some cases.
With this column it would be easier to track how much energy you got for the credits used.
Thank you
Tracking of autopilot 4, ap4, hardware 4
Hi. Seems like hardware 4 is rolling out. Could we get an "Autopilot 4 Totals" table like we have for 3 and 2.5?
Wake up code
I have successfully created a "short" list web page for myself with a few API commands I wish to send to my vehicle. I am able to send commands the car gets and responds to using:
https://www.teslafi.com/feed.php?token=my token&command=set_temps&temp=60 However, I often get the vehicle is not awake reply. I noticed at the top of the API page you indicate adding wake xx seconds is necessary. I have tried: https://www.teslafi.com/feed.php?token=MYTOKEN&command=charge_stop&wake=34 without success. Can someone please tell me where and how where the &wake=xx seconds command should be placed? |
overheat protection
Can I track whether Cabin Overheat Protection is working within TeslaFi? It's supposed to kick in at ~104° and I think it's not working reliably a temps sometimes significantly exceed that threshold.
Remove newer versions of software with older versions of FSD from "Latest Software Comparison"
With FSD being included in the main branch the latest software comparison tab has become less useful to FSD beta participants. Idea is to remove the software that has a newer version of software and an older version of FSD than the latest FSD version to restore previous functionality to that page for FSD beta participants.
Customer support service by UserEcho