Better ability to clean up bad geographic data

p5k6 1 year ago • 0

I ran into a situation where one of my drives returned a data point with a Null latitude (and maybe longitude?). This - breaks the lifetime map entirely. Not the end of the world, but the lifetime map is one of the main reasons I like TeslaFi so much. 

I ended up using the monthly maps and going through day by day to find the offending drive, and had to delete it (the "hide" functionality did not work, I think due to the bad data in that particular drive?). Looking at the web developer tools - I saw that "latitude cannot be NaN" in one of the js files used by TeslaFi. Unfortunately I closed that window 😬.

So - long story short - I guess my suggestion is - one "bad" data point within a drive should not break the entire lifetime map. Perhaps you could flag data points where Lat/Long are NaN so we can exclude those points within the individual drive? or exclude the bad data points automatically - perhaps with a message that "bad data was found during this drive, automatically excluding those points from all viz" or something? I'll leave that up to you to interpret how best to handle.