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Camera upgrades for 2022 LRM3
Camera visually very inaccurate for backing up. Distances when viewing really mean “Images in Camera Appear Much, Much Farther Away” than they are.
Setting in car OS to lower all windows 2 inches, “ventilate” command
Setting in car OS to lower all windows 2 inches, “ventilate” command
Alexa, Ask My Car if it's plugged in
I'd like to be able to use the Alexa skill to ask if the car is plugged in. Currently, when I try this, it tells me the charge level. While that's valuable information, that's not what I asked.
I like to make sure the car is plugged in before I go to bed so I know it will be charged up by the next morning for all the next day's driving needs.
RFE: Graph releases from first discovery
Could we have the ability to graph recent or drop box selectable releases from the date of first install, to see the comparative pace of rollout?
For example (although it came to a quick halt) 2023.32.4 seemed to roll out notably faster than most recent releases.
Amongst other things, this could show changes to rollout behaviour, feature deployment (e.g. when features are back ported from FSD), etc, etc.
Cheers for all the great work in the meantime - love it!
Automatic Reporting?
Apologies if this is already a topic, but I couldn't find specifically what I would like to know:
Is there a way to generate a report of certain data objects on a car and schedule it to send as either a CSV or PDF to an email?
Lifetime Map of multiple vehicles in a fleet.
I would like to have a lifetime map of all cars (maybe even in multiple colors).
It this column in fleet management the way to do it?
It doesn't seem to change either map when I link one car to another.
multiple tag
Can I get the possibility to customize "multiple tag drive" as default for the daily view, please? It is very difficult to set the parameters on a mobile phone and it takes relative long to change the display mode.
Add FSD software version to Latest FSD Beta Software Fleet Comparison
Can you guys please add superscripted FSD version to Latest FSD Beta Software Fleet Comparison
otherwise the report is impossible to follow.
Customer support service by UserEcho