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Is the Lifetime Map limited to my own country?
Hello all, I just discovered the 'Lifetime Map' and it shows my various trips from my home in Vancouver, BC. But it doesn't show my trips to Seattle, USA, and I definitely took my Model 3 there. Is there a setting I'm missing? Thanks.
Phantom drain calculations
My feedback is relative to Rivian (I don't know if Tesla does it differently).
My stats show that in Sleep, there is no drain at all. All of the drain happens in Idle (Park). But there are three types of Idle:
- Parked: The car is on, either warming up or with me in it, but it is not moving. I don't consider this "drain", it is really just part of the drive.
- Manual wake-up: If I go into my app remotely and want to check something on the car, I have to manually wake it up in the app. While this is a "drain", it is my fault - I am choosing to waste some energy at my discretion. I don't consider this "phantom" drain.
- Background wake-up: I can see that as my vehicle sleeps, it sometimes wakes itself up. This is Rivian doing something. Maybe uploading stats, checking for OTA updates, etc. This is what I consider "phantom drain".
Does the API provide any way to differentiate the third category of Background Wake-up from the others?
Cold Battery Level
This has probably been answered, but I couldn't find the answer. On the main Teslafi page I see a 91 blue snowflake in the top middle of the page under "charger disconnected". When I hover over it with the mouse it says "cold battery level" Does this mean the batter is 91% cold? What does the 92 and 91 actually mean?
Rivian battery temp while charging
does anyone know if it is possible to get the battery temperatures while charging? it would be nice to see that info in the charging graph.
Feature request: tire type, all-terrain
Now that we have pickups and SUVs using ElectraFi, can we add an All-Terrain tire type to the list of options? I am getting a set of A/Ts on my R1T and found there isn't currently an option to select that best fits. Thanks for your consideration!
search and download drive; chronological order
The result for "search and download drive" appear in reverse chronological order. Can it appear in chronological order, like the daily events on the home page?
Supercharging saving = 1 EUR
I search for the charges for the year 2023, and I find in summary " savings = 1 EUR". This is certainbly a mistake.
Temperature Charge efficiency
I can se the insightful information from drive efficiency depending on temperature.
Can you make the same overview with charge efficiency depending on temperature. During sub zero 'c the amunt of heating required is increasing, and it would be nice to chart this information the same way tou do with drive efficiency.
Per Magne Lunde
How do I get sleep and idle over multiple days
I remember vaguely that for road trips I could select to see sleep and idle.
If I look at a single day, I can see sleep and idle, but I'd like to see them all over multiple days.
Or another easy way to get SOC over multiple days while the vehicle is parked.
Connect with other users of TeslaFi
I would enjoy being able to message and connect with other users on this platform. This could be to discuss similar issues, questions about experiences on a similar model, etc.
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