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End drive if in neutral for more than 30 seconds

thekuai3 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 2

I frequently go to a automated free roll car wash where in the entire drive I never place the car in park. As a result teslafi views the trip as going from home to home and everytime I have to go back and manually split the drive to show my trip to the carwash and back home. 

Can you automatically or have the option to end the drive if the car is in neutral like it does when placed in park?


mine data for supercharging rates / battery stress indicator

diglesia 1 year ago updated by James 1 year ago 0

Request for feature improvement in the battery section, to mine the collected data to analyze the intensity of charging to understand how much wear / tear on the battery from high charging. Reviewing the battery percent analysis as the battery charges and reverse engineering the charge rate. This can be bucketed into 50kW ranges like amount of time charging @ 100kw - 150kW vs 150kW - 200kW vs 200kw - 250kW. Some bar graphs like that.

It would be an interesting data point to understand the stresses the battery has been subjected to. Also interesting to have a fleet comparison for this as well, similar to the current battery health indicator on teslafi.


See Percent Split of Miles Driven by Tag

chrishutchins 1 year ago 0

I'm trying to keep my business usage of my car >50%, so I'm tagging business trips with a "Business" tag, but would love to be able to see a section on the Drives Summary page that shows total miles in the date range split by tag (including a group for untagged). Thanks!

Under review

Showing as idling but is not, have driven and charging but not visible

TylerHilliard 1 year ago updated by PPlusa 1 year ago 2

Do not know what to do. Connection to my Tesla app is find. Did a scroll wheel reset but that didn't get the data flowing. Really do not like that I am missing out on data being logged


Tag charge at home below a current threshold as Solar, and set charge cost to 0.

JIBYC 1 year ago 0
I'd like to be able to record solar charges at home as zero cost, and track the about of solar used.

When I charge from Solar it's always below 22A vs a Grid charge which is 32A.

Can we get an option to classify charges at home if they meet some criteria? An alternative would be to mark all charging in the day as free, but that's not a great fit.

Can I set up multiple drivers on my TeslaFiAccount

HeWi 1 year ago 0

Request for additional daily stats including "Total Efficiency"

felipeseiber 1 year ago 0

The home page has a "Total Efficiency" value that I find useful (see attached image). However, this is only displayed for the current day. 

Image 5018

I would like to request adding this to the calendar view as well. This would be extremely useful in evaluating other outside factors (i.e. sentry mode, preheating, standby, etc...) that effect overall efficiency. Currently the number displayed in the calendar view I believe is the efficiency of all the drives for the month. This is useful but I would like to see my actual energy usage impact. 

For example if I take my total kWh used value and divide it by total miles driven I actually get an average of 369 Wh/mile which is actually closer to 70% efficiency overall for the month. 

Image 5017

So what I would suggest is:

  • add an additional "Total Efficiency" value for the entire month (rename existing efficiency to "Driving Efficiency")
  • add a small "Total Efficiency" value to the bottom right (or somewhere else) to each calendar day in the table. 
  • BONUS: have the ability to see a breakdown of that efficiency for the month as well (i.e. sleep, sentry, idle, driving, etc...)



Was thre a change that would cause a drop in battery range rating at start of year 2023?

NicolaY 1 year ago updated by James 1 year ago 0

Feature Request - Search Drive destination by Postcode or Town/City name.

the5rs 1 year ago 0

I miss the feature on my previous vehicle tracker to search for a previous drive destination by Postcode or Town/City.


Original Battery Capacity/Size

David0526 1 year ago 0

Can your app tell me what battery size I have? My 2021 Model 3 Long Range is either 75 or 82, but I bought it used and can't find that info. Thanks!