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Next window opportunity to retry for availability of software update

TeslaFiYveric 6 months ago 0

You can force only once per day the process of verifying if a new software update is available.  Simply by going in the software tab the car screen.  The next opportunity time will be displayed.  Is it possible to have that timestamp near the software version at the top of the TeslaFi screen?



Mpi mpci mpcsi

karim 6 months ago 0

To follow the march of 9s it would be nice to be able to capture from your 20000 users:

miles per intervention

miles per critical intervention

miles per critical safety interventions

not sure the API endpoints existe but if they do you have her a very valuable pieces of information that only you and Tesla would have access to.

critcal safety interventions= critical safety desengagements = if no intervention a real accident would have occured. It would be nice to be able to categorize those one in :

c1: potential fatality accident

c2: potential injury accident

c3: potential property damage accident

you can reply to Karim.toubal@gmail.com


Feature Suggestion -- It would be useful to have a community page for known bugs in Tesla software

mckinn 6 months ago 0

I've been struggling to find information on what I'm certain is a bug present in recent (6 months or so) Tesla software updates.  It struck me that this is something that a committed community like the TeslaFi community might appreciate and contribute to.  Sections could include counts of people that have seen the the bug, and discovered workarounds.

My  contribution - my 2020 Model 3 loses track of the USB for the Dashcam if I unlock the car using Bluetooth when the car is not plugged in / charging.    Workaround - unlock using the app, or with the keycard.

btw - TeslaFi is great !


TeslaFi missing set_scheduled_charging

thomasv 6 months ago updated by James 6 months ago 0


It seems TeslaFi is lacking support of sending command to set scheduled charging to Tesla. Are you planning to have this functionality in TeslaFi anytime soon?

Seems like your competitors have this option and I guess it would be fairly easy to implement in the API layer only.



Multiday Solar charging not shown in Battery Degradation Report

RayF 7 months ago updated 6 months ago 1

In the Tesla car, there is an option for solar charging. The net cost of charging a car from solar is less than charging from the grid and selling the solar. I power my house with my Powerwalls when PG&E charges mid and peak rates. With the car set for solar charging, the sun charges the Powerwalls first, then the car, until mid-rate begins (3 pm). Solar is then exported to the grid for the rest of the day. Usually, the car charge isn't complete so the next day it finishes charging the car. 

June 20 & 21 was the last charge to 80%. This 2-day charging doesn't show in the Battery Degradation Report even though I have "Include Incomplete Charges" checked. I also receive an email both days that charging is complete. Is there a way these charges can be included? Car charge June 20 &21 2024.xlsx


Click on a drive from map to see details

mpmeyer2 7 months ago updated by James 7 months ago 0

It would be nice to be able to click on a drive route line from the map, lifetime map for example, or monthly or yearly, and be able to see a list of drives that correspond.



see the total idle consumption to understand which idle category influences the total consumption.

dima4ka 7 months ago 0

I would like to see the idle consumption over a certain period of time and be able to evaluate it in comparison to the total consumption, so that I know which idle category influences my total consumption and how I can possibly counteract it.


The list of vehicles does not mention the Model 3 Performance 2024

paneur 7 months ago updated by James 7 months ago 1

Odometer Prediction

Uli2000 7 months ago 0

I have had a small python script written that predicts my mileage in the future using linear regression. This was important to me because of the warranty dates and the annual mileage for the insurance. As a data basis I imported a csv file from Teslafi with all the data from the past. Perhaps you could offer this as a feature on your site.

import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import numpy as np

# Load CSV file
file_path = "mileages.csv" # Please replace this with the actual file path
df = pd.read_csv(file_path, sep=";", header=None, names=["datetime", "kilometers"])

# Convert the date and time column to DateTime data type
df["datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(df["datetime"])

# Convert the kilometers column values to float data type
df["kilometers"] = df["kilometers"].str.replace(",", ".").astype(float)

# Function to predict kilometers
def predict_kilometers(date):
# Linear Regression
X = df["datetime"].apply(lambda x: x.timestamp()).values.reshape(-1, 1)
y = df["kilometers"].values
model = LinearRegression().fit(X, y)

# Prediction for the specified date
timestamp = datetime.strptime(date, "%d.%m.%Y").timestamp()
predicted_kilometers = model.predict([[timestamp]])
return predicted_kilometers[0]

# User input for the prediction date
input_date = input("Please enter the prediction date in the format 'DD.MM.YYYY': ")

# Prediction of kilometers for the entered date
predicted_kilometers = predict_kilometers(input_date)
print(f"Predicted kilometers on {input_date}: {predicted_kilometers:.2f} km")

best regards