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Scheduled Charge start time missing?

wiltocking 4 months ago updated by Dustin Gatlin 3 months ago 1

Previously, when the vehicle was plugged in with a UMC and schedule departure was set, Teslafi would display the "charging start time" while the vehicle was asleep/idle at the top. So if the SoC was 40% and it was going to charge before 8:00a to 80%, text would say "Schedule Charging Start 4:00am" or similar. Not sure if related, but recently upgraded to a WC and now this information is no longer displayed. Is this an issue with 2024.26.7 software version on the vehicle? Or is that feature not compatible with the WC? 


Adding of temperature inside and outside the car during the charging

DenysTesla06 4 months ago updated by James 4 months ago 0

just an idea : It would be great to add the temperature inside and outside the car during the charging


[Feature] New drive summary stat

Cyrilyxe 4 months ago updated by James 4 months ago 0


I was curious to know the longest roadtrip i have made and the longest distance traveled in 24h or a day.
For the road trip i should set them up but in 4 years that was not my habbit,
So the idea for automatic "road trip" should be the sum of driving that occured with less than x hours of break time (or charge time ?)
The traveled distance in a day could be obtained by query the database and sum the drives for each "day" but also having a parameter for x days or event the first drive to the last drive within 24 hours,

It would be great :)

Best regards


Frunk reminder

Paulw514 4 months ago 0

When you open the Frunk (presumably to put something in), have a pop up on the screen offering a "Frunk Reminder" the next time the car is put in park with options of "yes" or "no/cancel." This would help us remember to get that Doggy bag out of the frunk and into the fridge when we get home.  -Paul D. Wheeler


Fleet Software Update Pages, add FSD Enabled Cars only Option

swedge 4 months ago 0

The Fleet Software Updates pages are very useful for seeing roll out of new versions.  Cars with FSD enabled are receiving a different sequence of updates, and many are stuck on older versions while Tesla works out problems with new FSD versions on releases to just a few cars.  It would be helpful if one could view the software updated pages on TeslFi showing only FSD enabled cars.  This would allow us to see the proportion of FSD enabled cars which have vs have not received a new FSD update.  This request assumes, and hopes, that the FSD enabled status of each car is visible to TeslaFi.


Improve workflow for non-autotagged business trips

bradtem 4 months ago 0

 For me, probably the main reason I keep Teslafi is to tag my business miles so I can put them in my tax return.   Many also want the same.   Auto-tagging is nice, but at least for me, I have business trips not to common locations, but to many different ones, and so I must manually tag.    This seems very hard to do, with lots of clicks.   Manually tagging involves clicking on the option bar, selecting tag, clicking on the tag dropdown, picking biz, saving -- that's a LOT of clicks when it should be literally just one -- pull up a page full of drives (don't need anything but drives) as many across multiple days, and have a checkbox so I can click on the ones that I want to tag, then possibly click save or just click to go to the next page.   Then I would want to browse all the drives for the year, or perhaps all the drives longer than a certain distance or whatever and get it done in minutes, not much longer.


Tesla not updating to 12.5 for a long time.

jsneirson 4 months ago updated by James 4 months ago 1

export csv with tags

djlw84 4 months ago 0

How do i get tags in the CSV export?


where do I find my vehicle's battery charge time history and graph it?

robertcamef 4 months ago updated by James 4 months ago 0

Charger Voltage - ElectraFi - Rivian

mcaballero2 4 months ago 0

Is it possible to show the charging voltage when looking at a Rivian charging session like you can with a Tesla?