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Reduction of VIN obfuscation to two digits instead of three

Random206 11 months ago 0


Could you please obfuscate only the last two digits of the VIN number in the Software Tracker as I would like to see which block of VINs the software updates have been opened up to. I understand people are touchy about having their VIN shown, but by obfuscating only the last two digits, it'd still be very hard (within 100 VINs to identify a particular vehicle, and the fact that you don't show the first part of the VIN's makes it physically impossible anyway.

Thanks for your consideration.


Increase odometer range for cars at higher kilometres when comparing battery range with fleet

Philip Healey 11 months ago updated by James 11 months ago 0

As my car gets older there is fewer and fewer cars to compare range with as Teslafi limit comparison to vehicles within 2000 miles of my current odometer. Can you increase the range to 5000 miles or about 5%


is there a way to easily set cost for AC charging

Barry Hofland 11 months ago 0

I am relatively new to using Teslafi and I am bothered by it not knowing the cost of AC charging at destinations or public AC chargers near my home.

I found the way for updating the cost of home charging ( which I can't use because the parking I am renting does not have chargers ), but I have a hard time updating the cost of each charge or the cost per kWh.

Would it be possible to just assume a standard rate per kWh for AC charging somewhere instead ?


stop polling when not plugged in

kengordon52 11 months ago 0

I am losing 6 percent in range while parked and not plugged in.

I only loose 2 percent if I am plugged in.

Is there a setting where I can stop polling when not plugged in and turn back on polling when plugged in?


How do I change my home address for charging?

ddudar@cogeco ca 11 months ago 0

I have recently moved and TesliFi is not calculating my home charges but treating them as Supecharger prices.  How do I input a new home address?


How do I convert miles to kilometers and temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius How do I convert miles to kilometers and temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius in the app. (in practice)

PMANOLOPOULOS 11 months ago 0

Πώς μπορώ να μετατρέψω μίλια σε χιλιόμετρα και θερμοκρασία από Φαρενάιτ σε Κελσίου Πώς μπορώ να μετατρέψω μίλια σε χιλιόμετρα και θερμοκρασία από Φαρενάιτ σε Κελσίου στην εφαρμογή. (στην πράξη)


Show moving average for battery degradation

berticus 11 months ago 0

It would be cool if in the battery degradation graph you have the option to display a moving average line (one month or 1000km would probably good) for your battery range. This would provide a smoother looking and easier to read line.


account for electric company monthly rebate for EV owners

m6rk 11 months ago 0

My home's electric company gives EV owners who agree to only charge off hours a rebate.  The rebate currently stands at  $8/month.   Would love to see a monthly rebate entry field in the setup that accounted for that benefit. 


Add Schedule "Name"

PPlusa 11 months ago 0

Request: Add a text field for schedules to enter a name/label, for use in schedule search and notification messages.

Reason: When you get a lot of schedules built up, it's easy to lose track of why they exist. It can also be hard to tell which schedules are related to each other.


  • I might have a "Run Once" schedule to start HVAC earlier than my vehicle's "Departure Time" schedule. Then if I need to leave for work early one day, I can toggle it on the night before without affecting my normal daily "Departure Time" schedule. Naming the step "Leave Early" would let me know it's not just some other random schedule that I should delete.
  • To help maintain battery range calibration I have numerous "Set Charge Limit" steps at various levels (so the BMS doesn't get the same readings at the same times every day). I may also have some for road trips. Being able to name them "Calibration" or "Road Trip" would help keep them separate and help prevent me from accidentally deleting or disabling the wrong ones.

Related tickets: Submitting as a new ticket because these are old and possibly buried. I think the single text field combined with the existing search would satisfy them without much effort: