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Charge summary page - incorrect data

MF 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 3

Hi. The charge summary page has some errors (at least I think so):

- the total hours is incorrect.  The total shown is much lower than the number of hours if you list all of the charges and add up the hours.

- the total savings shows $0.0, which is not correct (yes, I've added the MPG, $/kwh, $/gal numbers in settings).



Location identification improvement

cbarger 6 years ago 0

It would be a great idea to add the address information for the location in the meta tag to popup if you hover over the icon if you have selected an icon for a location. I have multiple locations that I tagged with the super charger icon but the location information is now not seen unless I drill into it. A popup or text tag would be nice to have it you just hover over it now.


Tracking in no signal area

mo 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 2

Is teslafi able to track the vehicle status and route if it is in some places where there are no signal coverage? like in national parks.

James 6 years ago

If there is no cellular coverage the vehicle will appear as offline and TeslaFi will pick back up logging when it becomes online again.


Car status (offline, idle, API error)

StefanSarzio 6 years ago updated by Hebersder 5 years ago 1

Teslafi right now for my car shows "Is Idling, 6 Minutes" in the top bar and "Idle, 21 Minutes" in the table entry below.

Why is this difference?

In the raw log it shows "API Error - Data 405". I would like to have that displayed in both places instead of "idle", so that I know that the car in fact is offline. It's at the SeC right now, so it's probably due to remote access being disabled.


Explain how is supercharger cost calculated

bhalilov 6 years ago 0

When is the default setting used and if default is $/kWh how are the tier 1/2 $/minutes used. I use both type of superchargers - tiered per minute in NJ/PA, $/kWh in NY


Lates Fleet Updates: Fleet Firmware "Display Models" selection only changes the first pane, the overall listing.

boaterva 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 4

Should it select S and X  OR 3 for all listings below, or just the overall listing (pane 1)?

I would think if we select S/X, we want S/X for all panes below (AP2.5, etc.).


TeslaFi API for setting charge limit stopped working

StefanSarzio 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 1

I get result "null" for this command. And charge limit doesn't change.

Not a bug

Supercharging instead ChaDemo

sacha81 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 1

I just saw today that there are logged a lot of ChaDemo stations (or all) as Superchargers - that's wrong :-( 

Already Completed

Can we sort the day’s data by newest on top?

epheterson 6 years ago updated by James 6 years ago 1

Loving TeslaFi so far, but when viewing a long day’s data on my phone, I have to scroll a bit to see the latest updates. It’d be nice to have the option to sort updates with newest on top to reduce the need to scroll. Thanks!


Can’t create new token

NSonnentag 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 3

file_get_contents(https://owner-api.teslamotors.com/oauth/token): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable 

A token could not be obtained from Tesla. If the above error shows a 401 Unauthorized Error it means you did not provide the correct Tesla.com credentials. If the above error shows 502 Bad Gateway it means Tesla is experiencing issues with their servers, please try again later.

Email and password are correct. Changed password and tried again, still no luck.